How to Ditch Negativity and Reach Your Goals
Watching the news can be hazardous to your health.
It's a fact, especially when you're watching events related to terrorism, kidnapping, murder, accidents, or calamities. These incidents make you worry and will leave you feeling weak and insecure. Imagine the uncomfortable feeling of becoming a victim someday,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. These thoughts will have a direct negative effect on your outlook in life.
All of your surroundings have a big impact on you. How can you Think and grow rich if you're bombarded with messages that relates "how difficult life has become" or "how poor most of us has turned out to be?" Yet, if we listen to the outside world, that is exactly what we hearover and over and over again.
You can't change your environment, but you certainly can control your mind,Create a new habit that will help you achieve your goal.. If the media can indirectly influence you just by reporting what's happening around you, imagine what impact everyday people have on you. These are the people that you see and meet everyday. These are also the same people who are expressing their own views of what is right and what is wrong. We must respect the right of others to express their opinion, but we certainly do not have allow those opinions and attitudes to negatively effect our outlook on life.
When we spend time in a negative environment, we tend to acquire the traits and characteristics of people around us.
Here's an example:
Pick a nice person, throw him in a group of bad-mouthed individuals who incorporates swear words in their everyday language. Sooner or later, you'll notice that nice person speaking in the same manner as the group.
This just goes to say that anyone who joins in the company of a like-minded group will have a big chance of being influenced by the personality of that group. So what can you do if you're surrounded by people who deviates from your way of thinking?
You can't just avoid them. They'll think of you as a snob. Don't change the way you treat them,"I'm not sure, but simply learn how to shield out pessimistic comments or suggestions,So Below.
Sometimes, they will try to convince you cannot possible achieve your goals. Be firm. Do not let them affect your decisions. You know that you can do what they thought would be impossible. If you have to suffer their ridicule, so be it. You will have the last laugh.
Moreover, you should be with people who have the same principles and ideologies as you do. You will be more encouraged to continue your dreams if you have a support group or mentor who will encourage you to pursue your goals despite the setbacks.
Whenever I start new endeavors, I always have those who are interested only in telling me why they won't work. Others are there to support me and encourage me. Guess which group I tend to spend my time with?
You have the power to make your dreams a reality. Now show the world the stuff you are made of.
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Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
all kinds of other gifts come to you naturally.
Discover Practical Steps To Falling In Love
We are meant to live a life of love. . However, no matter how successful some are in other aspects of their lives, they don't feel it's possible to have the same success in love. They tell themselves to "be realistic."
Being realistic about relationships" is considered natural as we "grow up" and give up the fantasies, foolishness and dreams of childhood. But nothing could be further from natural. Being in love is the most mature and realistic thing you can do. It energizes your life, fills you with positivity, creates generosity and makes every moment beautiful. The body heals the heart is happy. The real question is, why aren't we in love all the time? How can we learn to fall in love with all of life? Here are some ways to answer that question and turn your life upside down. You will learn how to clear away weeds in your garden and then realize "the entry point is right where you are.
Most of the time we are searching and searching for the right person. Now it is time to stop running around seeking what is right in front of your eyes,a stack of 3x5 index cards and a pen.. Look at a person who is close to you right now anyone it happens to be. Notice the ways in which you push him away. Stop doing that. Allow the two of you to be together in whatever way you are. Let all of it be fine just as it is.
Do the same thing tomorrow with someone else. We dismiss so many people who are in our worlds, while waiting for the "right one" to appear. The more we can be "right" with everyone, the more we can open up to what is being offered now, the fuller and more joyous our lives will be,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots.
So many complain that they are not loved. The reason for this can be quite simple. They are so busy playing roles and games that the partner never gets to know who they really are. Notice what roles (or games) you play in relationships, and what roles you demand of others as well. See if you are in love with the person, or with the role he is playing right now. Why not let the roles go and simply be who you are. Who we are is always loveable and beautiful. It's the roles that get in the way.
One great obstacle in living a life of love is the tendency to hold on. We grasp and cling to each, preventing the freedom of love from arising on its own,I was his patient. This man used to be a general practitioner. When someone comes into your life (or day) practice letting him come. Welcome the person whoever he is. Enjoy what it is he brings. When it is time for a person to go away, practice letting him go. Do not turn the person's leaving into an experience of rejection, loss or abandonment. Realize that his leaving has nothing to do with you. It is simply time for him to go. Do this with yourself as well. Let yourself come and go freely in life, not tying yourself in unnecessary chains. The more we free others and ourselves, the more easily we fall in love.
Many feel that love is not possible unless all their demands are met. They can be quite amazed to discover that these demands don't lead to happiness. They just may be obstacles to falling in love.
Take a look at what you feel is absolutely necessary in relationships. Now look at it again. Realize this is baggage you are carrying that may be keeping all kinds of people and possibilities away. Not only that this baggage can be making you fearful and rigid, not open to what is available for you.
Let one of these demands subside. At first let it go for just one day and see how it feels to be without it. (Remember you can always take it back again). Now try another day,speaking your truth. As we do this many times, we may find that that which we thought was crucial for our lives was really getting in the way. The more we do this the more light and happy we will feel. Not only that, but all kinds of new people, possibilities and situations we never noticed will start coming onto our path. We have made room for them by putting our baggage down.
Giving and receiving are the essence of relationships.To open up to falling in love, it is important to sart giving naturally. What gifts do you give others in relationships? Take a few moments and also see what you hope to receive in return. Now find something new you can give to somebody. Give it. Do this everyday. Do it with all kinds of different people, without great fanfare and without expecting something in return. Then each day take a moment to find out what kind of gift you would like today. (Can be simple a walk in the park, new lipstick, time with someone you care for.) Now give this to yourself each day.
Although this exercise is simple, it is extremely powerful. When you give, remember not to look for anything in return By living with this open, generous mind, all kinds of other gifts come to you naturally.
Many say they are lonely, even with a partner at their side. This is simply because they have not yet made friends with themselves. Once they make friends with themselves and are able to be who they are, it is impossible to be lonely anymore. Make friends with yourself. Spend time noticing who you are. Accept all parts of yourself. Stop judging and rejecting what is going on inside. Be still and look within. Accept and understand that you are perfect just as you are, that change and growth come naturally. Choose to have relationships with those who feel this way too.
Copyright 2005 Brenda Shoshanna
We are meant to live a life of love. . However, no matter how successful some are in other aspects of their lives, they don't feel it's possible to have the same success in love. They tell themselves to "be realistic."
Being realistic about relationships" is considered natural as we "grow up" and give up the fantasies, foolishness and dreams of childhood. But nothing could be further from natural. Being in love is the most mature and realistic thing you can do. It energizes your life, fills you with positivity, creates generosity and makes every moment beautiful. The body heals the heart is happy. The real question is, why aren't we in love all the time? How can we learn to fall in love with all of life? Here are some ways to answer that question and turn your life upside down. You will learn how to clear away weeds in your garden and then realize "the entry point is right where you are.
Most of the time we are searching and searching for the right person. Now it is time to stop running around seeking what is right in front of your eyes,a stack of 3x5 index cards and a pen.. Look at a person who is close to you right now anyone it happens to be. Notice the ways in which you push him away. Stop doing that. Allow the two of you to be together in whatever way you are. Let all of it be fine just as it is.
Do the same thing tomorrow with someone else. We dismiss so many people who are in our worlds, while waiting for the "right one" to appear. The more we can be "right" with everyone, the more we can open up to what is being offered now, the fuller and more joyous our lives will be,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots.
So many complain that they are not loved. The reason for this can be quite simple. They are so busy playing roles and games that the partner never gets to know who they really are. Notice what roles (or games) you play in relationships, and what roles you demand of others as well. See if you are in love with the person, or with the role he is playing right now. Why not let the roles go and simply be who you are. Who we are is always loveable and beautiful. It's the roles that get in the way.
One great obstacle in living a life of love is the tendency to hold on. We grasp and cling to each, preventing the freedom of love from arising on its own,I was his patient. This man used to be a general practitioner. When someone comes into your life (or day) practice letting him come. Welcome the person whoever he is. Enjoy what it is he brings. When it is time for a person to go away, practice letting him go. Do not turn the person's leaving into an experience of rejection, loss or abandonment. Realize that his leaving has nothing to do with you. It is simply time for him to go. Do this with yourself as well. Let yourself come and go freely in life, not tying yourself in unnecessary chains. The more we free others and ourselves, the more easily we fall in love.
Many feel that love is not possible unless all their demands are met. They can be quite amazed to discover that these demands don't lead to happiness. They just may be obstacles to falling in love.
Take a look at what you feel is absolutely necessary in relationships. Now look at it again. Realize this is baggage you are carrying that may be keeping all kinds of people and possibilities away. Not only that this baggage can be making you fearful and rigid, not open to what is available for you.
Let one of these demands subside. At first let it go for just one day and see how it feels to be without it. (Remember you can always take it back again). Now try another day,speaking your truth. As we do this many times, we may find that that which we thought was crucial for our lives was really getting in the way. The more we do this the more light and happy we will feel. Not only that, but all kinds of new people, possibilities and situations we never noticed will start coming onto our path. We have made room for them by putting our baggage down.
Giving and receiving are the essence of relationships.To open up to falling in love, it is important to sart giving naturally. What gifts do you give others in relationships? Take a few moments and also see what you hope to receive in return. Now find something new you can give to somebody. Give it. Do this everyday. Do it with all kinds of different people, without great fanfare and without expecting something in return. Then each day take a moment to find out what kind of gift you would like today. (Can be simple a walk in the park, new lipstick, time with someone you care for.) Now give this to yourself each day.
Although this exercise is simple, it is extremely powerful. When you give, remember not to look for anything in return By living with this open, generous mind, all kinds of other gifts come to you naturally.
Many say they are lonely, even with a partner at their side. This is simply because they have not yet made friends with themselves. Once they make friends with themselves and are able to be who they are, it is impossible to be lonely anymore. Make friends with yourself. Spend time noticing who you are. Accept all parts of yourself. Stop judging and rejecting what is going on inside. Be still and look within. Accept and understand that you are perfect just as you are, that change and growth come naturally. Choose to have relationships with those who feel this way too.
Copyright 2005 Brenda Shoshanna
Monday, November 26, 2012
it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.
Dr,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Rick Schaefer, Law of Attraction Expert and Life Coach, offers one of the lessons contained in his new book "Extreme Thought Makeover". His book is collection of daily lessons designed to help people bring more abundance and joy into their lives.
Book Excerpt: Day 10 Detachment
Day 10 - Detachment: Toss Something Out
In order to achieve a feeling of total security and total freedom, it is necessary to let go of our attachment to physical things,Hiking in the Forest Knowing When to Slow Down. Detachment holds the wisdom of uncertainty and possibilities. When you embrace uncertainty, you will find security. When you embrace possibilities, you will find freedom. A simple first step toward detachment is letting go of small physical items. Let's get started!
Today, get rid of one thing. It could be a pair of shoes, a knick-knack, or an old souvenir glass. Just pick one thing and give it away, recycle it, throw it away, or put it in the garage for a future "Give-Away Day" (see below for more on this idea). This physical action is a representation of clearing mental space for clear and creative thinking, and when made habit, can transform the way you interact with your physical and emotional environment profoundly. Think about the stuff you have that clutters your living space. Where to begin? Well, you could start a "five year rule" for clothing, for example. That's an easy one: if you haven't worn it for five years, you will definitely not miss it! Perhaps even a two-year rule? One year? Just because you haven't exercised your throwing-away muscles in a while, doesn't mean you can't start somewhere like with a coffee mug from the back of the cupboard. Don't worry that it is in great condition or that you paid good money for it, it is the getting-rid-of energy that will be far more valuable to you, and the value will come back to you many fold.
As your physical space becomes more and more clear, you will find that previously cluttered areas give way to empty space, allowing for a mental shift from the focus of "what is" to the focus of endless possibilities. Your living space will become a blank canvas upon which anything can be created, in any moment.
De-cluttering feels like clearing your stuff, but it is actually clearing your mind. Jumbled, crowded thoughts will give way to clarity and focus. Creative energy will emerge in the space vacuum you have created for it. Your new thinking will have the room it needs to be powerful and inspiring!
A continuation of this exercise for the future is to have a "Give-Away Day." Fill the garage bit by bit with all the stuff you have uncluttered through your new daily attitude of detaching. When it really starts to pile up, call your friends and invite them to come and get all your stuff. They will go crazy and really create a great memory for themselves and for you. Plus, the objects themselves will have a much more useful and vibrant life in their new home.
In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty, and in uncertainty lies freedom from our past: from the known,Why not schedule an appointment with yourself and write it on your calendar. When the time comes. It is also where limitless possibilities are found. Stay open to the possibilities by manifesting an attitude of detachment in your physical environment today.
'Simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve in this world; it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.
- George Sand'
Dr. Schaefer concluded "there are many simple lessons in the book, and my hope is that many people will find their life becoming more fulfilling,you experience the result of his persistence in the face of continuous failure., more joyful, and more abundant by doing these lessons."
Dr. Rick is available for personal coaching. For more information on his coaching, or his revolutionary program Extreme Thought Makeover, visit
Dr,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Rick Schaefer, Law of Attraction Expert and Life Coach, offers one of the lessons contained in his new book "Extreme Thought Makeover". His book is collection of daily lessons designed to help people bring more abundance and joy into their lives.
Book Excerpt: Day 10 Detachment
Day 10 - Detachment: Toss Something Out
In order to achieve a feeling of total security and total freedom, it is necessary to let go of our attachment to physical things,Hiking in the Forest Knowing When to Slow Down. Detachment holds the wisdom of uncertainty and possibilities. When you embrace uncertainty, you will find security. When you embrace possibilities, you will find freedom. A simple first step toward detachment is letting go of small physical items. Let's get started!
Today, get rid of one thing. It could be a pair of shoes, a knick-knack, or an old souvenir glass. Just pick one thing and give it away, recycle it, throw it away, or put it in the garage for a future "Give-Away Day" (see below for more on this idea). This physical action is a representation of clearing mental space for clear and creative thinking, and when made habit, can transform the way you interact with your physical and emotional environment profoundly. Think about the stuff you have that clutters your living space. Where to begin? Well, you could start a "five year rule" for clothing, for example. That's an easy one: if you haven't worn it for five years, you will definitely not miss it! Perhaps even a two-year rule? One year? Just because you haven't exercised your throwing-away muscles in a while, doesn't mean you can't start somewhere like with a coffee mug from the back of the cupboard. Don't worry that it is in great condition or that you paid good money for it, it is the getting-rid-of energy that will be far more valuable to you, and the value will come back to you many fold.
As your physical space becomes more and more clear, you will find that previously cluttered areas give way to empty space, allowing for a mental shift from the focus of "what is" to the focus of endless possibilities. Your living space will become a blank canvas upon which anything can be created, in any moment.
De-cluttering feels like clearing your stuff, but it is actually clearing your mind. Jumbled, crowded thoughts will give way to clarity and focus. Creative energy will emerge in the space vacuum you have created for it. Your new thinking will have the room it needs to be powerful and inspiring!
A continuation of this exercise for the future is to have a "Give-Away Day." Fill the garage bit by bit with all the stuff you have uncluttered through your new daily attitude of detaching. When it really starts to pile up, call your friends and invite them to come and get all your stuff. They will go crazy and really create a great memory for themselves and for you. Plus, the objects themselves will have a much more useful and vibrant life in their new home.
In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty, and in uncertainty lies freedom from our past: from the known,Why not schedule an appointment with yourself and write it on your calendar. When the time comes. It is also where limitless possibilities are found. Stay open to the possibilities by manifesting an attitude of detachment in your physical environment today.
'Simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve in this world; it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.
- George Sand'
Dr. Schaefer concluded "there are many simple lessons in the book, and my hope is that many people will find their life becoming more fulfilling,you experience the result of his persistence in the face of continuous failure., more joyful, and more abundant by doing these lessons."
Dr. Rick is available for personal coaching. For more information on his coaching, or his revolutionary program Extreme Thought Makeover, visit
Friday, November 23, 2012
Follow those steps religiously and you will be successful at goal setting.
The Goal Setting Blueprint by Michael A,copyright. Jones
Whenever you see anything worthwhile being done anywhere, it's because someone is behind it with a passion, a belief and a goal,and keep writing until something else comes into your consciousness.!
When it comes to your personal life and your business, goal setting can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence and accomplishment.
Much is said about goal setting.
But just how do you set and accomplish goals?
Is there some goal setting formula or strategy that can be employed to increase your chances of success?
Thankfully, YES!
What follows is a blueprint for success in goal setting.
The Goal Setting Blueprint
STEP 1,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots,The next time a strange idea just pops in your head. Develop a DESIRE to achieve the goal. The desire must be intense. How do you intensify desire? Sit down and write out all the benefits and advantages of achieving your goal. Once the list goes between 50 and 100 your goal becomes unstoppable.
STEP 2. WRITE your goal down. Once it goes into writing it becomes substantial and starts etching itself into your subconscious.
STEP 3. IDENTIFY 1) the obstacles you will need to overcome, 2) the help you will need to acquire, e.g. knowledge, people, organizations. In each case write them out in a clear list and analyze them.
STEP 4. DEADLINE your goal. Analyze where you are now in relation to the goal and then measure how long you will reasonably need to complete the goal. Then set the latest outside date.
STEP 5. Take all the details of steps 3 and 4 and make a PLAN. List all the activities and prioritize them. Rewrite the list, optimize it, perfect it.
STEP 6. Get a clear MENTAL PICTURE of the goal already accomplished. Make the mental image crystal clear, vivid in the mind's eye. Play that picture over and over in your mind.
STEP 7. Back your plan with PERSISTENCE and resolve. Never, never, never give up even when you hit setbacks.
Follow those steps religiously and you will be successful at goal setting.
DANGER - You can read this and think, "That sounds interesting. I must try that sometime".
Notice the title of this article - "Goal Setting: The Blueprint".
What is a blueprint? It can refer to a negative used in photography for architectural plans, maps or mechanical drawings. It can also mean a detailed plan or program of action.
SO - Take these 7 steps and rewrite them on a card or in a notebook for frequent reference. Keep them on your computer in a note on your desktop.
Use the 7 steps as a BLUEPRINT. Keep checking your goal against the 7 steps frequently to measure your progress and keep yourself on track.
Then and only then will this article make a difference to your personal and business life.
Now the question is, what goal are you going to set today?
What goal can you set for your business which is going to lift it to new levels?
What goal setting are you going to implement in your personal life which is going to have a positive effect on you and your loved ones?
Take some time now and THINK about it!
Whenever you see anything worthwhile being done anywhere, it's because someone is behind it with a passion, a belief and a goal,and keep writing until something else comes into your consciousness.!
When it comes to your personal life and your business, goal setting can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence and accomplishment.
Much is said about goal setting.
But just how do you set and accomplish goals?
Is there some goal setting formula or strategy that can be employed to increase your chances of success?
Thankfully, YES!
What follows is a blueprint for success in goal setting.
The Goal Setting Blueprint
STEP 1,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots,The next time a strange idea just pops in your head. Develop a DESIRE to achieve the goal. The desire must be intense. How do you intensify desire? Sit down and write out all the benefits and advantages of achieving your goal. Once the list goes between 50 and 100 your goal becomes unstoppable.
STEP 2. WRITE your goal down. Once it goes into writing it becomes substantial and starts etching itself into your subconscious.
STEP 3. IDENTIFY 1) the obstacles you will need to overcome, 2) the help you will need to acquire, e.g. knowledge, people, organizations. In each case write them out in a clear list and analyze them.
STEP 4. DEADLINE your goal. Analyze where you are now in relation to the goal and then measure how long you will reasonably need to complete the goal. Then set the latest outside date.
STEP 5. Take all the details of steps 3 and 4 and make a PLAN. List all the activities and prioritize them. Rewrite the list, optimize it, perfect it.
STEP 6. Get a clear MENTAL PICTURE of the goal already accomplished. Make the mental image crystal clear, vivid in the mind's eye. Play that picture over and over in your mind.
STEP 7. Back your plan with PERSISTENCE and resolve. Never, never, never give up even when you hit setbacks.
Follow those steps religiously and you will be successful at goal setting.
DANGER - You can read this and think, "That sounds interesting. I must try that sometime".
Notice the title of this article - "Goal Setting: The Blueprint".
What is a blueprint? It can refer to a negative used in photography for architectural plans, maps or mechanical drawings. It can also mean a detailed plan or program of action.
SO - Take these 7 steps and rewrite them on a card or in a notebook for frequent reference. Keep them on your computer in a note on your desktop.
Use the 7 steps as a BLUEPRINT. Keep checking your goal against the 7 steps frequently to measure your progress and keep yourself on track.
Then and only then will this article make a difference to your personal and business life.
Now the question is, what goal are you going to set today?
What goal can you set for your business which is going to lift it to new levels?
What goal setting are you going to implement in your personal life which is going to have a positive effect on you and your loved ones?
Take some time now and THINK about it!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Don't let all of the gifts you've been given and the blessings you have go unnoticed. Starting today
What About Today? by Susan Russo
Do you wake up each day looking forward to it or do you dread getting through it,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots? Are you re-living the past over and over again or living in fear and anxiety of what the future may bring? Begin to realize that what happened in the past and how and why it happened are merely tools to help build a foundation that will make you stronger in the future.
When you allow yourself to be hostage to dwelling on the past or hostage to thinking fearfully about the future you miss out on all you really have which is right now.
Each day is a new opportunity to get it right or do it better. We all make mistakes and have things happen that we wish didn't. But, unless you let go of what happened and stop worrying about the future you might as well forget about today.
So often people are so consumed about why, what if, if only and how that they miss out on today. Just for today release yourself from the mental prison you're locked in and go out and breathe in the new day. Look around and see this day as a gift. Tear off the ribbons and bows and dive into the "present" and really enjoy it.
The cliché, live each day as if it's your last isn't such a bad philosophy especially when you're living each day in only memories and regrets or bogged down by your fears of what's to come.
The real regret is when you are given a new chance to enjoy your life and all you do is waste it away by thinking thoughts that hold you down,The man answered. No one can control what you think,yet you never seem to finish everything you set out to do, what you say or what you do, but you.
So decide if you are going to be one of those people who allow the adversities in life to take you down and not get up or if you are going to still have a great life in spite of things happening.
Don't let all of the gifts you've been given and the blessings you have go unnoticed. Starting today, make a list of all the reasons today is a good day and appreciate it. Instead of dwelling on negative, toxic things try dwelling on what's good. Learn to be in the moment and leave the rest behind, it's worth it,your world and remote viewing.!
Do you wake up each day looking forward to it or do you dread getting through it,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots? Are you re-living the past over and over again or living in fear and anxiety of what the future may bring? Begin to realize that what happened in the past and how and why it happened are merely tools to help build a foundation that will make you stronger in the future.
When you allow yourself to be hostage to dwelling on the past or hostage to thinking fearfully about the future you miss out on all you really have which is right now.
Each day is a new opportunity to get it right or do it better. We all make mistakes and have things happen that we wish didn't. But, unless you let go of what happened and stop worrying about the future you might as well forget about today.
So often people are so consumed about why, what if, if only and how that they miss out on today. Just for today release yourself from the mental prison you're locked in and go out and breathe in the new day. Look around and see this day as a gift. Tear off the ribbons and bows and dive into the "present" and really enjoy it.
The cliché, live each day as if it's your last isn't such a bad philosophy especially when you're living each day in only memories and regrets or bogged down by your fears of what's to come.
The real regret is when you are given a new chance to enjoy your life and all you do is waste it away by thinking thoughts that hold you down,The man answered. No one can control what you think,yet you never seem to finish everything you set out to do, what you say or what you do, but you.
So decide if you are going to be one of those people who allow the adversities in life to take you down and not get up or if you are going to still have a great life in spite of things happening.
Don't let all of the gifts you've been given and the blessings you have go unnoticed. Starting today, make a list of all the reasons today is a good day and appreciate it. Instead of dwelling on negative, toxic things try dwelling on what's good. Learn to be in the moment and leave the rest behind, it's worth it,your world and remote viewing.!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Focus and Context
Timeless Leadership Principles
While interviewing the legendary Jack Nicklaus, a reporter once remarked,you will naturally progress in that direction., "Jack, you have had a spectacular career. Your name is synonymous with the game of golf. You really know your way around the course. What is your secret?" Nicklaus replied,In your relationships, "The holes are numbered!"
If only leadership were so easy. (Given the sad state of my game, I'm the last person who should use "easy" and "golf" in the same sentence!) Of course, there are no handily numbered steps that we can follow in developing our leadership. But after decades of studying leadershipof writing and speaking about it, trying to practise it, and coaching thousands of managers in itI am convinced that there are timeless leadership principles which we can all use to be more effective in our personal and professional lives.
In the late 1990s, I published my fourth leadership book, Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career and Family Success, now approaching 100,000 copies in print. The response to the book and its leadership principles was so strong that I continued to develop them. That led to my newestjust publishedcompanion book, The Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success.
A recent search on revealed that there are over 10,000 leadership books in print! There are as many different interpretations of "leadership" as there are people using the term. The result is a confusing multitude of leadership grids, charts, formulas, jargon, fads, and buzzwords, with new ones popping up every week. An occupational hazard of this business is that we chase after what's new rather than what works. We look for fashionable rather than enduring principles.
Most of my audiences are very experienced middle to senior managers in medium to large organizations who don't need to be educated or informed as much as they need to reminded, inspired, reinforced, or shown different ways of applying familiar leadership principles.
Historians, anthropologists and scholars of classic literature tell us that there are really quite a small number of recurring stories in the entire history of humanity. Our books and movies provide us with endless variations on the basic stories of the human condition, and the same themes keep showing up in the stories of people and cultures thousands of years or miles apart. Enduring leadership principles are just as timeless. They aren't new. It is the timelessness of these principles that prove their value.
Leadership needs management to fly.
Both management and leadership are needed to make teams and organizations successful. In building our speaking, consulting, and training businesses," versus "What does it cost me to keep it, we also need a good balance of both management and leadership. Trying to decide which is most important is like trying to decide whether the right or left wing is more important to an airplane's flight. I'll take both, please,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots!
A classic problem often comes up among entrepreneurial start-up companies with strong vision, passion and energy (leadership), and good technological or technical skills: their poor management discipline or lack of systems and processes lead to errors, poor service quality, and frustration for customers and people in the organization. In building our businesses, we need to couple our passion and creative spirit with disciplined processes and business management.
The leadership wheel:
The most common weakness, however, is lack of leadership. Growing our leadership is a dynamic process. It begins at the centre of our being and develops in multiple directions. I use the "hub and spokes" model to depict the timeless leadership principles. (Both Growing the Distance and The Leader's Digest are built around it.)
Each part of the wheel corresponds to an area of leadership. At the hub of the wheel, we have the vision, values and purpose on which leaders effectively focus themselves and their teams or organizations (Focus and Context). Leaders also take initiative and do what needs to be done rather then waiting for someone else to do something (Responsibility for Choices). Leaders are authentic and lead by visible example, fostering openness and continuous feedback (Authenticity). Leaders are passionate and build strong commitment through involvement and ownership (Passion and Commitment). Leaders lead with heart and rouse team or organizational spirit (Spirit and Meaning). Leaders help people grow through strong coaching and continuous development (Growing and Developing). Finally, leaders energize people by building strong teams, inspiring and serving (Mobilizing and Energizing).
The leadership wheel model provides a metaphor for situations we face at personal, team or organizational levels. For example, just as a wheel's weight-bearing ability depends upon the strength of its hub, so does the strength of our hub determine the weight of the performance and change issues that we are able to carry.
The wheel also represents the circular nature of leadership: there is no beginning or end. All the supporting leadership principles around the outside of the Leadership Wheel are interdependent and interconnected. If we, our team or our organization develop these leadership skills, the wheel is well rounded. If we are deficient in one or more of these skills, the ride might be a little bumpy.
A key part of our continuous leadership quest is finding the approaches that fit our individual values, personality and style. No one leadership size fits all. It is like trying to find a path in a field of newly fallen snow. Once we walk across the field, we have discovered our path.
While interviewing the legendary Jack Nicklaus, a reporter once remarked,you will naturally progress in that direction., "Jack, you have had a spectacular career. Your name is synonymous with the game of golf. You really know your way around the course. What is your secret?" Nicklaus replied,In your relationships, "The holes are numbered!"
If only leadership were so easy. (Given the sad state of my game, I'm the last person who should use "easy" and "golf" in the same sentence!) Of course, there are no handily numbered steps that we can follow in developing our leadership. But after decades of studying leadershipof writing and speaking about it, trying to practise it, and coaching thousands of managers in itI am convinced that there are timeless leadership principles which we can all use to be more effective in our personal and professional lives.
In the late 1990s, I published my fourth leadership book, Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career and Family Success, now approaching 100,000 copies in print. The response to the book and its leadership principles was so strong that I continued to develop them. That led to my newestjust publishedcompanion book, The Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success.
A recent search on revealed that there are over 10,000 leadership books in print! There are as many different interpretations of "leadership" as there are people using the term. The result is a confusing multitude of leadership grids, charts, formulas, jargon, fads, and buzzwords, with new ones popping up every week. An occupational hazard of this business is that we chase after what's new rather than what works. We look for fashionable rather than enduring principles.
Most of my audiences are very experienced middle to senior managers in medium to large organizations who don't need to be educated or informed as much as they need to reminded, inspired, reinforced, or shown different ways of applying familiar leadership principles.
Historians, anthropologists and scholars of classic literature tell us that there are really quite a small number of recurring stories in the entire history of humanity. Our books and movies provide us with endless variations on the basic stories of the human condition, and the same themes keep showing up in the stories of people and cultures thousands of years or miles apart. Enduring leadership principles are just as timeless. They aren't new. It is the timelessness of these principles that prove their value.
Leadership needs management to fly.
Both management and leadership are needed to make teams and organizations successful. In building our speaking, consulting, and training businesses," versus "What does it cost me to keep it, we also need a good balance of both management and leadership. Trying to decide which is most important is like trying to decide whether the right or left wing is more important to an airplane's flight. I'll take both, please,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots!
A classic problem often comes up among entrepreneurial start-up companies with strong vision, passion and energy (leadership), and good technological or technical skills: their poor management discipline or lack of systems and processes lead to errors, poor service quality, and frustration for customers and people in the organization. In building our businesses, we need to couple our passion and creative spirit with disciplined processes and business management.
The leadership wheel:
The most common weakness, however, is lack of leadership. Growing our leadership is a dynamic process. It begins at the centre of our being and develops in multiple directions. I use the "hub and spokes" model to depict the timeless leadership principles. (Both Growing the Distance and The Leader's Digest are built around it.)
Each part of the wheel corresponds to an area of leadership. At the hub of the wheel, we have the vision, values and purpose on which leaders effectively focus themselves and their teams or organizations (Focus and Context). Leaders also take initiative and do what needs to be done rather then waiting for someone else to do something (Responsibility for Choices). Leaders are authentic and lead by visible example, fostering openness and continuous feedback (Authenticity). Leaders are passionate and build strong commitment through involvement and ownership (Passion and Commitment). Leaders lead with heart and rouse team or organizational spirit (Spirit and Meaning). Leaders help people grow through strong coaching and continuous development (Growing and Developing). Finally, leaders energize people by building strong teams, inspiring and serving (Mobilizing and Energizing).
The leadership wheel model provides a metaphor for situations we face at personal, team or organizational levels. For example, just as a wheel's weight-bearing ability depends upon the strength of its hub, so does the strength of our hub determine the weight of the performance and change issues that we are able to carry.
The wheel also represents the circular nature of leadership: there is no beginning or end. All the supporting leadership principles around the outside of the Leadership Wheel are interdependent and interconnected. If we, our team or our organization develop these leadership skills, the wheel is well rounded. If we are deficient in one or more of these skills, the ride might be a little bumpy.
A key part of our continuous leadership quest is finding the approaches that fit our individual values, personality and style. No one leadership size fits all. It is like trying to find a path in a field of newly fallen snow. Once we walk across the field, we have discovered our path.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Once you've moved yourself into a more relaxed state
Using Visualization for Stress Relief by Iain Legg
Visualization can be a powerful tool to help you improve your life circumstances, but it can also serve as a handy technique for transforming stress and anxiety into peace, happiness and confidence,like other forms of addiction!
Stress and anxiety can quickly become a vicious cycle that keep you feeling powerless and frightened. The more stressed you get, the more your thoughts and emotions will move toward the negative side, which only makes you feel more stressed!
Using visualization to transform these feelings can stop the cycle by switching your focus to something more positive and uplifting.
First and foremost, it's helpful if you can remove yourself from the stressful environment and engage in some relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing before you begin your visualization, because your mind will be more receptive if you're calm and centered.
Once you've moved yourself into a more relaxed state, bring to mind a scene that soothes and calms you. You can choose a natural setting like a beach or forest, or imagine a place that is representative of relaxation such as a spa or temple,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Imagine yourself being in this place, feeling balanced and calm.
Rather than simply "seeing" the images in your mind, make an effort to mentally transport yourself to this calm setting and engage as many of your senses as you can. Imagine that you can smell the fresh air or incense in the temple; imagine that you can feel the rich earth beneath your feet, hear the roar of ocean waves or bird song, and feel the cool breeze moving through your hair. The more you can involve your senses, the more "real" the scene will seem to you, and the more effective it will be in calming you.
Stay with the visualization for as long as you like,we are able to quickly gain rapport, making an effort to fully relax your body and let go of worrisome thoughts. If you're not used to visualizing or meditating, you may have trouble keeping your focus. Your thoughts may keep returning to the situations that made you feel stressed in the first place, or you may struggle to "see" these soothing images in your mind. This is completely normal. Just keep gently returning your focus to the visualization as often as necessary, and keep in mind that once you've made visualization a regular practice it will get easier to stay focused.
You can keep your visualization sessions brief at the beginning, but as time goes on you may want to lengthen the time you visualize up to 30 minutes or so.
Then, whenever you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious,global warming, simply recall a mental image of your calming scene again and make an effort to mentally transport yourself back to it. You'll probably have to exert a fair amount of effort to achieve a calmer state of mind at the beginning, but eventually you'll be able to shift immediately to a calmer state just by thinking about it.
Visualization can be a powerful tool to help you improve your life circumstances, but it can also serve as a handy technique for transforming stress and anxiety into peace, happiness and confidence,like other forms of addiction!
Stress and anxiety can quickly become a vicious cycle that keep you feeling powerless and frightened. The more stressed you get, the more your thoughts and emotions will move toward the negative side, which only makes you feel more stressed!
Using visualization to transform these feelings can stop the cycle by switching your focus to something more positive and uplifting.
First and foremost, it's helpful if you can remove yourself from the stressful environment and engage in some relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing before you begin your visualization, because your mind will be more receptive if you're calm and centered.
Once you've moved yourself into a more relaxed state, bring to mind a scene that soothes and calms you. You can choose a natural setting like a beach or forest, or imagine a place that is representative of relaxation such as a spa or temple,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Imagine yourself being in this place, feeling balanced and calm.
Rather than simply "seeing" the images in your mind, make an effort to mentally transport yourself to this calm setting and engage as many of your senses as you can. Imagine that you can smell the fresh air or incense in the temple; imagine that you can feel the rich earth beneath your feet, hear the roar of ocean waves or bird song, and feel the cool breeze moving through your hair. The more you can involve your senses, the more "real" the scene will seem to you, and the more effective it will be in calming you.
Stay with the visualization for as long as you like,we are able to quickly gain rapport, making an effort to fully relax your body and let go of worrisome thoughts. If you're not used to visualizing or meditating, you may have trouble keeping your focus. Your thoughts may keep returning to the situations that made you feel stressed in the first place, or you may struggle to "see" these soothing images in your mind. This is completely normal. Just keep gently returning your focus to the visualization as often as necessary, and keep in mind that once you've made visualization a regular practice it will get easier to stay focused.
You can keep your visualization sessions brief at the beginning, but as time goes on you may want to lengthen the time you visualize up to 30 minutes or so.
Then, whenever you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious,global warming, simply recall a mental image of your calming scene again and make an effort to mentally transport yourself back to it. You'll probably have to exert a fair amount of effort to achieve a calmer state of mind at the beginning, but eventually you'll be able to shift immediately to a calmer state just by thinking about it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Other forms of religious meditation include
Religious and Entrained Meditation by Jane Michael,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots
One form of religious meditation is Christian meditation. This meditation is practiced as devotions. The use of prayers and songs is from the earliest days of Christianity and is a mode of meditation,such as back pain or some form of illness.. One can concentrate on a particular verse in the bible for a period of study.
Some people particularly Catholics may meditate on the wounds of Christ. A focus on his five wounds is a way of connecting with him and coming to understand why he sacrificed for humanity.
Other forms of religious meditation include: Buddhist, Hindu, Zen and so forth.
What is Entrained Meditation?
It is a kind of meditation involving sounds and listening. The listener or meditator hears binaural beats. They are recordings of very calming sounds. They relax the listener as he or she practices meditation. These sounds change the listener's brainwave patterns and they are different from those of the average awake condition. People's brainwaves always change when the person hears a sound. H. W. Dove discovered binaural beats in 1839. Humans and some other species can hear them. When two frequencies are heard under ordinary conditions it gives a direction information, where the sound is coming from. This changes when the sounds are heard through headphones or speakers.
There have been many clinical studies to show that this form of meditation works. Entrainment stated back in the 70's; Dr Gerald Oster found that brainwave patterns were induced when someone heard binaural beat frequencies. There are four major kinds of brainwave patterns. They are the Alpha, beta,imagine your navel sinking in toward your spine., theta, and Delphi. The alpha state is one of being relaxed but awake. The deeper mediation state is the theta. When one is in a condition of deeper sleep without dreams that is the Delphi,an opening in the superintendent's office came up.
Entrained Theory and Practice
This method of meditation relies on the theory that there is one more level of consciousness besides conscious and unconscious. It is this third consciousness that is sustained during Entrained meditation. During this process the mind is awake while the body is asleep. While the body is sleeping the mind is concentrating on this other level of consciousness and isn't interrupted by what the body needs or wants. Also, the other distractions of everyday living aren't bothering this consciousness. The advocates of Entrained meditation think it helps a person understand important truths.
There has been a problem surrounding this kind of meditation because it has been said that it involved using drugs. Though some practitioners use recreational drugsthe meditation is done without them. Some people have also explained what this state of meditation is like by comparing it to the way one's mind is when using certain drugs. It is because of this negative "press" that Entrained meditation has gained a disreputable name with some people.
Still it is a kind mode of meditation that can be and is done without the use of drugs. Some think it is a much deeper level of meditation. It is a mode that can be achieved through diligent practice and discipline.
One form of religious meditation is Christian meditation. This meditation is practiced as devotions. The use of prayers and songs is from the earliest days of Christianity and is a mode of meditation,such as back pain or some form of illness.. One can concentrate on a particular verse in the bible for a period of study.
Some people particularly Catholics may meditate on the wounds of Christ. A focus on his five wounds is a way of connecting with him and coming to understand why he sacrificed for humanity.
Other forms of religious meditation include: Buddhist, Hindu, Zen and so forth.
What is Entrained Meditation?
It is a kind of meditation involving sounds and listening. The listener or meditator hears binaural beats. They are recordings of very calming sounds. They relax the listener as he or she practices meditation. These sounds change the listener's brainwave patterns and they are different from those of the average awake condition. People's brainwaves always change when the person hears a sound. H. W. Dove discovered binaural beats in 1839. Humans and some other species can hear them. When two frequencies are heard under ordinary conditions it gives a direction information, where the sound is coming from. This changes when the sounds are heard through headphones or speakers.
There have been many clinical studies to show that this form of meditation works. Entrainment stated back in the 70's; Dr Gerald Oster found that brainwave patterns were induced when someone heard binaural beat frequencies. There are four major kinds of brainwave patterns. They are the Alpha, beta,imagine your navel sinking in toward your spine., theta, and Delphi. The alpha state is one of being relaxed but awake. The deeper mediation state is the theta. When one is in a condition of deeper sleep without dreams that is the Delphi,an opening in the superintendent's office came up.
Entrained Theory and Practice
This method of meditation relies on the theory that there is one more level of consciousness besides conscious and unconscious. It is this third consciousness that is sustained during Entrained meditation. During this process the mind is awake while the body is asleep. While the body is sleeping the mind is concentrating on this other level of consciousness and isn't interrupted by what the body needs or wants. Also, the other distractions of everyday living aren't bothering this consciousness. The advocates of Entrained meditation think it helps a person understand important truths.
There has been a problem surrounding this kind of meditation because it has been said that it involved using drugs. Though some practitioners use recreational drugsthe meditation is done without them. Some people have also explained what this state of meditation is like by comparing it to the way one's mind is when using certain drugs. It is because of this negative "press" that Entrained meditation has gained a disreputable name with some people.
Still it is a kind mode of meditation that can be and is done without the use of drugs. Some think it is a much deeper level of meditation. It is a mode that can be achieved through diligent practice and discipline.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Catholic Voters Need to Rethink Morality
Catholic Voters Need to Rethink Morality
If Catholic doctrine calls for the sanctity of all human life, then why is it that church leaders implicitly endorse Republican candidates that are pro-life at the expense of all else. In fact, the sanctity of life doctrine stands directly in opposition to the death penalty as well as abortion,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Nevertheless, The Tablet, the official weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, is far more enamored with abortion than the death penalty and our President who executed approximately 30 people as the governor of Texas in 1999. At least once a year, Catholic churches around the Diocese of Brooklyn celebrate a special, sanctity of life Sunday Mass. What this amounts to is a largely elderly audience receiving a sermon on the evils of abortion. In itself this is not wrong; however, priests would be better off encouraging their flock to support unwed, single women who choose life,nobody knows if a relationships will work until it's entered. The problem with pro-life conservatives is that while they despise abortion, once the children are born they are unwilling to use public money to support these brave women. According to CNN, Catholics voted for President Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 51 to 48 percent vote. A closer look at George W. Bush's beliefs and policies make this fact perplexing to say the least.
Bush is a Born-Again Christian,in reality, who most likely believes that his way is the only way. Therefore, if you are not Born-Again, then you are not saved and cannot go to heaven after death. This means Catholics can expect to languish in hell for all eternity no matter how virtuous their deeds. From the Born-Again perspective, no matter how hard one tries to be a good human being, it is only by God's divine grace that we're saved. Read Jonathan Edwards sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" for the Bush perspective on human works. Remember Bush's speech during his first Presidential election campaign at the openly anti-catholic Bob Jones University? Bob Jones University is the same University that prohibited interracial dating until this rule became public fodder. Is Bob Jones University the type of organization that Catholics want their President to be affiliated with?
And what about social justice? President Bush opposes a living wage; meaning,then you are unlovable and unworthy, hard working Americans should toil away to live in poverty. Meanwhile, the underemployed are deprived healthcare. The United States is the only nation in the G-8 without national medical care. If you have money, the U.S. does offer the best healthcare in the world. The problem is that millions are without that money or insurance. Is there anything more un-Christian than denying the sick healthcare, or forcing the working poor into bankruptcy to receive proper healthcare. According to Congressman Pete Stark, "Our lack of a guaranteed health care safety net indirectly plunges millions into bankruptcy and financial ruin who, once sick, cannot afford to pay for their high medical treatment costs out-of-pocket."
Catholics can no longer be single-issue voters; voting solely on the basis of a candidate's position on abortion is plain immoral. Catholics need to be vocal inside and outside of church about the neo-con agenda to dismantle the New Deal and Great Society programs that provide a modest safety net for Americans. Respect for the sanctity of life means protecting and caring for the unborn as well as the living. Morality is more than talking a good game. That's symbolism over substance. True morality is implemented through innovated social policy that helps all Americans.
If Catholic doctrine calls for the sanctity of all human life, then why is it that church leaders implicitly endorse Republican candidates that are pro-life at the expense of all else. In fact, the sanctity of life doctrine stands directly in opposition to the death penalty as well as abortion,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Nevertheless, The Tablet, the official weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, is far more enamored with abortion than the death penalty and our President who executed approximately 30 people as the governor of Texas in 1999. At least once a year, Catholic churches around the Diocese of Brooklyn celebrate a special, sanctity of life Sunday Mass. What this amounts to is a largely elderly audience receiving a sermon on the evils of abortion. In itself this is not wrong; however, priests would be better off encouraging their flock to support unwed, single women who choose life,nobody knows if a relationships will work until it's entered. The problem with pro-life conservatives is that while they despise abortion, once the children are born they are unwilling to use public money to support these brave women. According to CNN, Catholics voted for President Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 51 to 48 percent vote. A closer look at George W. Bush's beliefs and policies make this fact perplexing to say the least.
Bush is a Born-Again Christian,in reality, who most likely believes that his way is the only way. Therefore, if you are not Born-Again, then you are not saved and cannot go to heaven after death. This means Catholics can expect to languish in hell for all eternity no matter how virtuous their deeds. From the Born-Again perspective, no matter how hard one tries to be a good human being, it is only by God's divine grace that we're saved. Read Jonathan Edwards sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" for the Bush perspective on human works. Remember Bush's speech during his first Presidential election campaign at the openly anti-catholic Bob Jones University? Bob Jones University is the same University that prohibited interracial dating until this rule became public fodder. Is Bob Jones University the type of organization that Catholics want their President to be affiliated with?
And what about social justice? President Bush opposes a living wage; meaning,then you are unlovable and unworthy, hard working Americans should toil away to live in poverty. Meanwhile, the underemployed are deprived healthcare. The United States is the only nation in the G-8 without national medical care. If you have money, the U.S. does offer the best healthcare in the world. The problem is that millions are without that money or insurance. Is there anything more un-Christian than denying the sick healthcare, or forcing the working poor into bankruptcy to receive proper healthcare. According to Congressman Pete Stark, "Our lack of a guaranteed health care safety net indirectly plunges millions into bankruptcy and financial ruin who, once sick, cannot afford to pay for their high medical treatment costs out-of-pocket."
Catholics can no longer be single-issue voters; voting solely on the basis of a candidate's position on abortion is plain immoral. Catholics need to be vocal inside and outside of church about the neo-con agenda to dismantle the New Deal and Great Society programs that provide a modest safety net for Americans. Respect for the sanctity of life means protecting and caring for the unborn as well as the living. Morality is more than talking a good game. That's symbolism over substance. True morality is implemented through innovated social policy that helps all Americans.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Old Guy Rules by Jim Rodgers
What does it mean to be "old"? I began writing my book, The Old Guy Rules, on my 43rd birthday. As I write this article, I am 44. Do I feel old? Absolutely not. I feel like I'm a baby, just getting started. That could have something to do with the fact that I'm a teacher and most of my friends are retired teachers, ranging in age from 55-75 years old. I've been at my current school, Glenbard North High School in the Chicago suburbs, for over 15 years now, and many of the guys with whom I taught when I first came here are now retired, much to their delight and my dismay. But not a single one of those guys thinks he's old or acts old. Most of them act like they're still in high school, even if they don't exactly look like it. In the summer, I work out at a gym with six retired teachers from Glenbard North High School every morning and have a ball. I can't help feeling young around those guys. They never fail to remind me how old they are, but they act like they're still in high school, and even that might be stretching the level of maturity at times.
My kids and my students think I'm positively ancient. My daughter, who is almost 18, calls me "Pa" and "Old Man" when I fall asleep on the sofa watching House with her at 8 p.m. But I get up at 4 every morning to work out before school, and I feel pretty darned young when I do that. I can still outrun my kids, though the margin of victory isn't quite what it once was.
Recently, I've started thinking about my mortality. I'm not going to live forever; I know that. I'd like to hang around another 40 or 50 years, God willin' and the creek don't rise, and there are a lot of things I hope to accomplish in those years. Still, I know they will go fast, and I do have to admit that even though I know that I'm not 21 anymore, I honestly feel like I am. I work out twice a day, practice martial arts, have tons of energy, have kept myself in great shape, and I honestly can't wait to wake up in the morning,the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man. I have so many friends and colleagues who ask me how I do it, so I thought I'd write a book. After all, I'm an English teacher. I ought to be able to write a book about myself and how I've chosen to live my life now that, according to my daughter, I'm screaming headlong into my "twilight years."
I decided to call my book The Old Guy Rules as sort of an ambiguous paradox. My kids say I'm old, so in one sense this will be a set of rules by which I, an "Old Guy," have chosen to live each day. But I also wanted the title to express a confidence, almost a cockiness, about being an "Old Guy," kind of like when a kid says, "Metallica Rules!" We live in a society that worships and rewards youth, and I think it's about time that someone stuck up for the Old Guys out there who still have a lot to bring to the table. And just to clarify, by "Old Guys" I mean both male and female, like when someone says to a room of men and women, "you guys." Our club doesn't discriminate against women. We seek out women. By including them, we become much smarter and better looking as a group. Being 44, I may not be the most qualified to call myself an Old Guy, but my kids and my students call me old, and that's good enough for me. Besides, I am one of the last of the Baby Boomers, so I think that qualifies me as well.
My book is not about unrealistic expectations like becoming a millionaire in two months or looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger in just a few minutes a day, but it is an honest attempt at helping people improve their lives and perspective as they head into the latter stages of those lives. I've been able to live a truly blessed life, and I wanted to pass on some things that I've learned to others so they could be blessed as well. I've put those lessons in the form of a list of rules in my book, some of which I would like to share now with the members of
Rule Number One: Learn the Value of Hard Times
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those that he has." (Epictetus)
Many people look at my life now and think I've got it made, and I guess, in a lot ways, I do. But much of my life today has been forged in the heat of some tough times. My first wife left me with two small children (ages 5 and 2) to raise on my own. My son contracted spinal meningitis at 18 months and nearly died, going through years of physical therapy, suffering seizures, and enduring endless neurological evaluations while growing up. Those two experiences shaped many of my attitudes and strengthened my resolve to make the most of my life.
Rule Number 2:
Get Your Attitude Right
"There is nothing either bad or good, except thinking makes it so."
(William Shakespeare)
So many people talk about having a good attitude, but how many people actually work at it? This chapter discusses the importance of diligently, painstakingly working on your attitude every single day. Only through filling your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts can you change your life significantly.
Rule Number 3:
Use Your Time Wisely
"Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions." (John Randolph)
Time truly is our most precious commodity. Think about your biggest fear in life: losing it. When you lose your life, you're losing time. It stands to reason that you should make the most of every piece of time you have. As a single parent, I had no choice but to make the most of the little free time I had every day. I got my Master's Degree by going to night school while kids from my classes would baby sit my kids. I was getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night most nights after returning from class,as if in a hovering helicopter. From here, grading papers until after midnight, and then getting up at 4 to get in a quick workout before getting the kids ready, taking them to the sitter, and heading off to teach. I learned through necessity different ways to manage and make the most of my time, and, although I have more free time now that my children are older, I still use those techniques to get the most out of every day.
Rule Number 4:
Get Physical (and have some fun while you're at it!)
"Fortune and love befriend the bold."
In college, I was a Division III All-American football player at Eureka College in the 1980's,understood and supported in practical matters such as taking action to make your dreams a reality., was inducted into Eureka's Athletic Hall of Fame, and, as far as I know,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots, I still hold the school's bench press record at 500 pounds. Since high school, I have been a workout fanatic, and I now use a system of diet and exercise that has worked extremely well for me as I have officially become an "Old Guy." My system is based on three basic principles: simplicity, variety, and expediency. My workouts won't take hours to complete, and my diet plan is not complex and hard to follow. However, the results I've had over the years have been excellent, and I think they will be for you as well.
Rule Number 6:
Old Guys Don't Hurt the Ones They Love
"If a man could but love enough, he could rule the world." (Confucius)
Life is a balancing act, and our relationships figure prominently. This is a chapter about how we treat our loved ones as well as some advice on dating from the perspective of a single father who dated off and on for almost 10 years. During that time, I learned some important lessons about dating on the Internet that I share with my readers, including some experiences that I've had.
While space prevents me from summarizing all of the "Old Guy Rules," (there are 15 in the book), I hope this gives you a reasonable overview of the book and inspires you to create your own list of rules. I think Ben Franklin had it right when he worked hard to perfect his list of virtues, which forced him to work toward making himself a better man each day of his adult life. For me, that's the only way to be truly successful and make the most of the time we have.
*The Old Guy Rules can be purchased on the author's website: or at his publisher's website: .
What does it mean to be "old"? I began writing my book, The Old Guy Rules, on my 43rd birthday. As I write this article, I am 44. Do I feel old? Absolutely not. I feel like I'm a baby, just getting started. That could have something to do with the fact that I'm a teacher and most of my friends are retired teachers, ranging in age from 55-75 years old. I've been at my current school, Glenbard North High School in the Chicago suburbs, for over 15 years now, and many of the guys with whom I taught when I first came here are now retired, much to their delight and my dismay. But not a single one of those guys thinks he's old or acts old. Most of them act like they're still in high school, even if they don't exactly look like it. In the summer, I work out at a gym with six retired teachers from Glenbard North High School every morning and have a ball. I can't help feeling young around those guys. They never fail to remind me how old they are, but they act like they're still in high school, and even that might be stretching the level of maturity at times.
My kids and my students think I'm positively ancient. My daughter, who is almost 18, calls me "Pa" and "Old Man" when I fall asleep on the sofa watching House with her at 8 p.m. But I get up at 4 every morning to work out before school, and I feel pretty darned young when I do that. I can still outrun my kids, though the margin of victory isn't quite what it once was.
Recently, I've started thinking about my mortality. I'm not going to live forever; I know that. I'd like to hang around another 40 or 50 years, God willin' and the creek don't rise, and there are a lot of things I hope to accomplish in those years. Still, I know they will go fast, and I do have to admit that even though I know that I'm not 21 anymore, I honestly feel like I am. I work out twice a day, practice martial arts, have tons of energy, have kept myself in great shape, and I honestly can't wait to wake up in the morning,the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man. I have so many friends and colleagues who ask me how I do it, so I thought I'd write a book. After all, I'm an English teacher. I ought to be able to write a book about myself and how I've chosen to live my life now that, according to my daughter, I'm screaming headlong into my "twilight years."
I decided to call my book The Old Guy Rules as sort of an ambiguous paradox. My kids say I'm old, so in one sense this will be a set of rules by which I, an "Old Guy," have chosen to live each day. But I also wanted the title to express a confidence, almost a cockiness, about being an "Old Guy," kind of like when a kid says, "Metallica Rules!" We live in a society that worships and rewards youth, and I think it's about time that someone stuck up for the Old Guys out there who still have a lot to bring to the table. And just to clarify, by "Old Guys" I mean both male and female, like when someone says to a room of men and women, "you guys." Our club doesn't discriminate against women. We seek out women. By including them, we become much smarter and better looking as a group. Being 44, I may not be the most qualified to call myself an Old Guy, but my kids and my students call me old, and that's good enough for me. Besides, I am one of the last of the Baby Boomers, so I think that qualifies me as well.
My book is not about unrealistic expectations like becoming a millionaire in two months or looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger in just a few minutes a day, but it is an honest attempt at helping people improve their lives and perspective as they head into the latter stages of those lives. I've been able to live a truly blessed life, and I wanted to pass on some things that I've learned to others so they could be blessed as well. I've put those lessons in the form of a list of rules in my book, some of which I would like to share now with the members of
Rule Number One: Learn the Value of Hard Times
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those that he has." (Epictetus)
Many people look at my life now and think I've got it made, and I guess, in a lot ways, I do. But much of my life today has been forged in the heat of some tough times. My first wife left me with two small children (ages 5 and 2) to raise on my own. My son contracted spinal meningitis at 18 months and nearly died, going through years of physical therapy, suffering seizures, and enduring endless neurological evaluations while growing up. Those two experiences shaped many of my attitudes and strengthened my resolve to make the most of my life.
Rule Number 2:
Get Your Attitude Right
"There is nothing either bad or good, except thinking makes it so."
(William Shakespeare)
So many people talk about having a good attitude, but how many people actually work at it? This chapter discusses the importance of diligently, painstakingly working on your attitude every single day. Only through filling your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts can you change your life significantly.
Rule Number 3:
Use Your Time Wisely
"Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions." (John Randolph)
Time truly is our most precious commodity. Think about your biggest fear in life: losing it. When you lose your life, you're losing time. It stands to reason that you should make the most of every piece of time you have. As a single parent, I had no choice but to make the most of the little free time I had every day. I got my Master's Degree by going to night school while kids from my classes would baby sit my kids. I was getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night most nights after returning from class,as if in a hovering helicopter. From here, grading papers until after midnight, and then getting up at 4 to get in a quick workout before getting the kids ready, taking them to the sitter, and heading off to teach. I learned through necessity different ways to manage and make the most of my time, and, although I have more free time now that my children are older, I still use those techniques to get the most out of every day.
Rule Number 4:
Get Physical (and have some fun while you're at it!)
"Fortune and love befriend the bold."
In college, I was a Division III All-American football player at Eureka College in the 1980's,understood and supported in practical matters such as taking action to make your dreams a reality., was inducted into Eureka's Athletic Hall of Fame, and, as far as I know,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots, I still hold the school's bench press record at 500 pounds. Since high school, I have been a workout fanatic, and I now use a system of diet and exercise that has worked extremely well for me as I have officially become an "Old Guy." My system is based on three basic principles: simplicity, variety, and expediency. My workouts won't take hours to complete, and my diet plan is not complex and hard to follow. However, the results I've had over the years have been excellent, and I think they will be for you as well.
Rule Number 6:
Old Guys Don't Hurt the Ones They Love
"If a man could but love enough, he could rule the world." (Confucius)
Life is a balancing act, and our relationships figure prominently. This is a chapter about how we treat our loved ones as well as some advice on dating from the perspective of a single father who dated off and on for almost 10 years. During that time, I learned some important lessons about dating on the Internet that I share with my readers, including some experiences that I've had.
While space prevents me from summarizing all of the "Old Guy Rules," (there are 15 in the book), I hope this gives you a reasonable overview of the book and inspires you to create your own list of rules. I think Ben Franklin had it right when he worked hard to perfect his list of virtues, which forced him to work toward making himself a better man each day of his adult life. For me, that's the only way to be truly successful and make the most of the time we have.
*The Old Guy Rules can be purchased on the author's website: or at his publisher's website: .
Thursday, November 8, 2012
But he said
And Then My Boss Said,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots, Take That Fear And Shove It!
Hey gang; Ok it's time to create some good habits. You know, like eating a pork barrel full of Ben and Jerry's ice cream at 3 am in the morning. Nah......that's not the kind of habit I'm talking about. The only habit that will create is a quick trip to the toilet first thing in the morning. Ok, what then?
To create a personal success system that never fails requires good habits. Without good habits, you will default to bad habits.
I say this all the time....When you go after something don't come back till you get it. Let me illustrate. In the sales profession, people are taught never ask a prospect for his time. Take it; they're taught.
Well, if you think about it, then success in anything you're doing can be boiled down to a scientific formula. Failure can also be boiled down to a formula. Apply the one, avoid the other. Sounds simple, right?
Then why do so darn many people fail when attempting something worthwhile? Why do so many find themselves sucking wind and always ending up the tail instead of the head? Michael Jordan said it best. "I have failed over and over again in my life, and THAT is why I succeed.
Then why do so few people achieve what Michael Jordan has? Fear of failure. No body likes to fail. But failure is only temporary as long as we take another stab at what we're doing.
You say though..yea, but I'm the one that's been stabbed. Ok, so what makes you so special? You think Elvis never failed? You think Henry Ford never failed? What causes failure anyway?
Timidity and Fear! Yuk! I knew you were going to say that.
Yea, that's right. Let me illustrate. I knew a guy a few years ago that was hard up for a job. He told me someone suggested he sell insurance. Yuk, he said, why don't I just slit my wrist? But he said, I can't even get a job driving a garbage truck, so, he did take a job selling insurance.
He said I was scared stiff. He had never sold anything in his life. So, his manager told him, "I'll give you five names everyday to call on,one cookie. Just make sure to see these people the very same day. He promised and went home to study his sales material.
Everyday for a week, he made several sales,or 2 pounds each week, and then, something interesting happened. His sales manager was in a meeting and could not give him his five names to call on.
He told him to go to the yellow pages and find the names of five owners and call on them. He said that's what I've been doing for the last week,scan the entire area. And his sales manager said these words to him. "Success is a matter of mental attitude." YOUR attitude. And, your entire career will depend on your attitude.
He said I went out there with the same attitude with the names I selected as I had with the names that my sales manager had picked for me.
Then he said I learned an important lesson about timidity and fear. First of all I recognized fear is nature's way of keeping me from harm, particularly when I don't know what's waiting for me.
He learned that fear could be a destructive emotion. So destructive that it could paralyze the biggest of men. Success is achieved by those who try. If there is nothing significant to lose by trying and a lot to gain by trying, by all means, try.
And, the emotion of fear will be neutralized as you begin to try. Not as you sit on your rear eating that pork barrel full of ice cream and wish and hope.
Another illustration from my personal experience. Many of you know I am a recording artist and my passion is music. People all the time think that "some" people are just gifted to sing and perform. If they only knew. When I first started singing, I would go to night clubs that sponsored karaoke or open mic nights and sing.
When I first started, I would sit in my seat hoping the DJ would lose my slip of paper with my name on it so he couldn't call me up there. Of course, no one else knew this. Ha! After I would sing one song, the back of my neck would be dripping with perspiration after only a 3 minute song. Just from nervousness. I felt like a long tailed cat in a dark room full of rocking chairs.
The more I did this, the less nervousness I had. Then one day, no more perspiration. What neutralized the fear? Action. I learned the emotion of fear was not subject to reason. I reasoned there was no need to be afraid. I mean it was not like I was facing a firing squad; no one was about to shoot me. Or, make ME eat that pork barrel full of ice cream. I had NO reason to be afraid. But, the fear was still there.
So, I learned an important psychological principle. Fear is not subject to reason, but it is subject to action. When your thoughts will not rid you of an undesirable emotion, action will. I found out I could talk to myself till I was wacky, and could not talk away the fear. It just doesn't work like that. I learned that fear was not conducive to giving my best performance.
So Homer, Sing to Win they said!!
In the very highly competitive game of Internet Marketing you play according to the rules, and you must not violate the standards of net-etiquette. To do so, will brand you a scammer, and a spammer, and who knows what else, maybe a jackass.
You become a success at whatever you're doing in this game by trying, and trying, and keep on trying. Then eventually work is fun, life is worth living, and you begin attracting like a magnet all you desire including money. Money is NOT attracted to negative behavior.
Richard Vegas 2002
Hey gang; Ok it's time to create some good habits. You know, like eating a pork barrel full of Ben and Jerry's ice cream at 3 am in the morning. Nah......that's not the kind of habit I'm talking about. The only habit that will create is a quick trip to the toilet first thing in the morning. Ok, what then?
To create a personal success system that never fails requires good habits. Without good habits, you will default to bad habits.
I say this all the time....When you go after something don't come back till you get it. Let me illustrate. In the sales profession, people are taught never ask a prospect for his time. Take it; they're taught.
Well, if you think about it, then success in anything you're doing can be boiled down to a scientific formula. Failure can also be boiled down to a formula. Apply the one, avoid the other. Sounds simple, right?
Then why do so darn many people fail when attempting something worthwhile? Why do so many find themselves sucking wind and always ending up the tail instead of the head? Michael Jordan said it best. "I have failed over and over again in my life, and THAT is why I succeed.
Then why do so few people achieve what Michael Jordan has? Fear of failure. No body likes to fail. But failure is only temporary as long as we take another stab at what we're doing.
You say though..yea, but I'm the one that's been stabbed. Ok, so what makes you so special? You think Elvis never failed? You think Henry Ford never failed? What causes failure anyway?
Timidity and Fear! Yuk! I knew you were going to say that.
Yea, that's right. Let me illustrate. I knew a guy a few years ago that was hard up for a job. He told me someone suggested he sell insurance. Yuk, he said, why don't I just slit my wrist? But he said, I can't even get a job driving a garbage truck, so, he did take a job selling insurance.
He said I was scared stiff. He had never sold anything in his life. So, his manager told him, "I'll give you five names everyday to call on,one cookie. Just make sure to see these people the very same day. He promised and went home to study his sales material.
Everyday for a week, he made several sales,or 2 pounds each week, and then, something interesting happened. His sales manager was in a meeting and could not give him his five names to call on.
He told him to go to the yellow pages and find the names of five owners and call on them. He said that's what I've been doing for the last week,scan the entire area. And his sales manager said these words to him. "Success is a matter of mental attitude." YOUR attitude. And, your entire career will depend on your attitude.
He said I went out there with the same attitude with the names I selected as I had with the names that my sales manager had picked for me.
Then he said I learned an important lesson about timidity and fear. First of all I recognized fear is nature's way of keeping me from harm, particularly when I don't know what's waiting for me.
He learned that fear could be a destructive emotion. So destructive that it could paralyze the biggest of men. Success is achieved by those who try. If there is nothing significant to lose by trying and a lot to gain by trying, by all means, try.
And, the emotion of fear will be neutralized as you begin to try. Not as you sit on your rear eating that pork barrel full of ice cream and wish and hope.
Another illustration from my personal experience. Many of you know I am a recording artist and my passion is music. People all the time think that "some" people are just gifted to sing and perform. If they only knew. When I first started singing, I would go to night clubs that sponsored karaoke or open mic nights and sing.
When I first started, I would sit in my seat hoping the DJ would lose my slip of paper with my name on it so he couldn't call me up there. Of course, no one else knew this. Ha! After I would sing one song, the back of my neck would be dripping with perspiration after only a 3 minute song. Just from nervousness. I felt like a long tailed cat in a dark room full of rocking chairs.
The more I did this, the less nervousness I had. Then one day, no more perspiration. What neutralized the fear? Action. I learned the emotion of fear was not subject to reason. I reasoned there was no need to be afraid. I mean it was not like I was facing a firing squad; no one was about to shoot me. Or, make ME eat that pork barrel full of ice cream. I had NO reason to be afraid. But, the fear was still there.
So, I learned an important psychological principle. Fear is not subject to reason, but it is subject to action. When your thoughts will not rid you of an undesirable emotion, action will. I found out I could talk to myself till I was wacky, and could not talk away the fear. It just doesn't work like that. I learned that fear was not conducive to giving my best performance.
So Homer, Sing to Win they said!!
In the very highly competitive game of Internet Marketing you play according to the rules, and you must not violate the standards of net-etiquette. To do so, will brand you a scammer, and a spammer, and who knows what else, maybe a jackass.
You become a success at whatever you're doing in this game by trying, and trying, and keep on trying. Then eventually work is fun, life is worth living, and you begin attracting like a magnet all you desire including money. Money is NOT attracted to negative behavior.
Richard Vegas 2002
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
and she compensated and smiled. Now
Do You Have a Habit Hard To Break?
If You have a habit hard to break it means that you're currently lacking control over a certain behavior or set of behaviors in a type of situation. The first question that comes to my mind is: How do we really create a habit - bad or good? A habit is not created the first time we do it,A big problem for most people. The clue here is repetition; we create a habit by repeating it,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. And the more we repeat it the more resistant it becomes.
The founders of NLP, Bandler and Grinder are using a concept called "streamlining". They explain this concept as a natural process whereby our minds learn which aspects of a thought process is important and which is not. Let me give an example:
When I was about 5 years old somebody offered to shake my hand for the first time in my life. I was very pleased because this nice woman was treating me like an adult. I looked at her outstretched hand and then, remembering what others did in this situation, clumsily lifted mine and moved it towards hers. I remember not getting the positioning quite right, and she compensated and smiled. Now, the next time I got a little better at shaking hands and soon I didn't even need to think about it. When somebody offers you their hand to say hello, you don't think about it at all. It's automatic behaviour. Even if you do think about it, you can't help lifting your hand up. This is what we call a habit.
Good habits are hardly mentioned - they are not important and not on the agenda. It is the bad habits that cause trouble and it is these habits - the habits we want to get rid of - that means most for us. It is self improvement that matters, make our habits better.
You can break a habit by deliberately practicing a new or different one. Many of us blame our unconscious mind for our bad habits. But even the most enlightened and spiritual person has bad habits. So this seems to indicate that they are not only outside of their conscious control, but even outside of the control of the unconscious mind as well. The fact is that your unconscious mind can break an old habit and learn a new one without your needing to know about it. You can also break a habit by making it seem uncomfortable, like boredom for instance,premature ejaculation. Our minds are very keen on doing what feels comfortable and the same mechanism can be used for making a new and more functional habit,No- Thingness. It's not that there is nothing there.
But what about the good habits - there are some of them as well. When Michael Jordan was asked to miss the basket when throwing for a TV commercial, it took him around 20 attempts. Even good habits can be difficult to break, but why would one want to break them?
If You have a habit hard to break it means that you're currently lacking control over a certain behavior or set of behaviors in a type of situation. The first question that comes to my mind is: How do we really create a habit - bad or good? A habit is not created the first time we do it,A big problem for most people. The clue here is repetition; we create a habit by repeating it,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. And the more we repeat it the more resistant it becomes.
The founders of NLP, Bandler and Grinder are using a concept called "streamlining". They explain this concept as a natural process whereby our minds learn which aspects of a thought process is important and which is not. Let me give an example:
When I was about 5 years old somebody offered to shake my hand for the first time in my life. I was very pleased because this nice woman was treating me like an adult. I looked at her outstretched hand and then, remembering what others did in this situation, clumsily lifted mine and moved it towards hers. I remember not getting the positioning quite right, and she compensated and smiled. Now, the next time I got a little better at shaking hands and soon I didn't even need to think about it. When somebody offers you their hand to say hello, you don't think about it at all. It's automatic behaviour. Even if you do think about it, you can't help lifting your hand up. This is what we call a habit.
Good habits are hardly mentioned - they are not important and not on the agenda. It is the bad habits that cause trouble and it is these habits - the habits we want to get rid of - that means most for us. It is self improvement that matters, make our habits better.
You can break a habit by deliberately practicing a new or different one. Many of us blame our unconscious mind for our bad habits. But even the most enlightened and spiritual person has bad habits. So this seems to indicate that they are not only outside of their conscious control, but even outside of the control of the unconscious mind as well. The fact is that your unconscious mind can break an old habit and learn a new one without your needing to know about it. You can also break a habit by making it seem uncomfortable, like boredom for instance,premature ejaculation. Our minds are very keen on doing what feels comfortable and the same mechanism can be used for making a new and more functional habit,No- Thingness. It's not that there is nothing there.
But what about the good habits - there are some of them as well. When Michael Jordan was asked to miss the basket when throwing for a TV commercial, it took him around 20 attempts. Even good habits can be difficult to break, but why would one want to break them?
Monday, November 5, 2012
and for many more it is the love and nutrition you provide for your family each day.
Is Finding Your Life Purpose Preventing You From Living It? by Lauren Gorgo
Lately I have been getting a lot of requests for assistance in the area of "life-missions" and soul purposes, and I wish to communicate this concept, based on the feed I receive, but more importantly from a grounded and comprehensive 3d perspective. From my experience, this idea of a life-mission or purpose seems to be the one thing that holds most people back from self-actualization. From my experience,The book she was reading, it seems that this is where people get stuck and remain dormant in their lives, mainly because of mere indecision and lack of clarity...of which {soul-purpose} is more often a process of integration, rather than a sudden revelation.
I would like to clarify that this concept of a life-mission, is no more or less than the one thing that you are doing in this now moment, every moment, that brings you unprecedented and timeless joy. It is your essence... the expression of yourself that brings you into alignment with the timeless/formless and the space of the eternal. For some, this is nothing more that having a good talk with a friend in need. For others it is growing and sharing organic vegetables with your neighbors, and for many more it is the love and nutrition you provide for your family each day.
Yet for some, this mission could be the sudden revelation that you receive as an inventor or scientist, or the inspiration to produce a documentary or film. Most probably though, this elusive life-mission is something you are already doing or being, it is the part of you that is natural and the part of you that you love to share. Sometimes its a hobby, sometimes its a living, but we can often make it much harder to notice by constantly searching for it. Perhaps this searching begets more searching...
Are we missing the point of the messages from the many masters of our time which is that our only purpose is to find and emit joy, whatever that means to each of us? We all have an individual signature expression of such, and it is only in that expression that we are evolving and lifting our vibration to the realms of our soul-u-lar truth and expansion. From my experience,focus and attention to, soul-purpose is nothing more than who we always are... only we learn to engage it, trust it, and expand it as we grow into spiritual maturity. As we do this, we focus on this once small part of our lives until it merges into a continual expression of self. When we have grounded our truth (self expression) into our everyday reality, only then are we whole again...being who we chose to be in the first place, without distraction.
So then, it can be said that our life-purpose is in this now moment, not based in some future concept or alternate universe. It is the small things that we incorporate into our lives, the big things that we eliminate because they no longer serve us, and the courage to let go of an outworn life that no longer matches our current perceptions. This is how we make room for our passions and create the space to allow our missions of joy to unfold before us... but only as we are prepared to receive them. We must clear our canvases of mis-creation to allow our souls to paint the new and higher versions of ourselves and our lives...and this is where true joy resides, in the creation and experience of those creations.
To do this, we spend many years in preparation for the actualization of our signature essence, aka soul purpose. It is a process of clearing our emotions and detoxifying our minds and bodies for purification to allow the light of our souls to enter. We must heal ourselves of chronic dis-ease through releasing past memories of betrayal, heartbreak and abuse; we must let go of our codependent behaviors and addictions; heal our relationships and find forgiveness in ourselves and in our perpetrators.
We must open our awareness and hearts to those with differences, and join in partnership with ideas and concepts we never thought possible. Mostly,we must grow to respect the path of each individual and honor the mirrors in all to continually lift ourselves out of the forceful momentum of a life based in misaligned thoughts and creation.
As each of us engage in our personal metamorphosis, however it unfolds,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots, we often find ourselves alone, rejected by and isolated from our peers, families and even our own mates. But ultimately in all of this, we learn to stand in our power and take responsibility for our lives and happiness by exploring the whole gamut of human suffering...that is, until the polarity of extremes is no longer necessary.
And this by far,married and had three children. Yet nothing, has global ramifications. When we engage in this self exploration we heal ourselves and provide the example for others so that one by one, gender by gender, race by race, culture by culture, community by community, and nation by nation, we can eventually heal the world..or at the very least, set it in motion. Our gifts are in these challenges and years of stretching and growing into our new skins. Our opportunities then, reside in this suffering and often our "life purpose" is hidden behind our challenges and reveals itself in sharing our path and what we learned upon it with others in a way that will encourage each of them to take the required steps to total freedom.
Ultimately then, we all have the same heal ourselves by finding our joy and then sharing that joy to inspire others. Such is the process of evolution, onward and upward we go....
Lately I have been getting a lot of requests for assistance in the area of "life-missions" and soul purposes, and I wish to communicate this concept, based on the feed I receive, but more importantly from a grounded and comprehensive 3d perspective. From my experience, this idea of a life-mission or purpose seems to be the one thing that holds most people back from self-actualization. From my experience,The book she was reading, it seems that this is where people get stuck and remain dormant in their lives, mainly because of mere indecision and lack of clarity...of which {soul-purpose} is more often a process of integration, rather than a sudden revelation.
I would like to clarify that this concept of a life-mission, is no more or less than the one thing that you are doing in this now moment, every moment, that brings you unprecedented and timeless joy. It is your essence... the expression of yourself that brings you into alignment with the timeless/formless and the space of the eternal. For some, this is nothing more that having a good talk with a friend in need. For others it is growing and sharing organic vegetables with your neighbors, and for many more it is the love and nutrition you provide for your family each day.
Yet for some, this mission could be the sudden revelation that you receive as an inventor or scientist, or the inspiration to produce a documentary or film. Most probably though, this elusive life-mission is something you are already doing or being, it is the part of you that is natural and the part of you that you love to share. Sometimes its a hobby, sometimes its a living, but we can often make it much harder to notice by constantly searching for it. Perhaps this searching begets more searching...
Are we missing the point of the messages from the many masters of our time which is that our only purpose is to find and emit joy, whatever that means to each of us? We all have an individual signature expression of such, and it is only in that expression that we are evolving and lifting our vibration to the realms of our soul-u-lar truth and expansion. From my experience,focus and attention to, soul-purpose is nothing more than who we always are... only we learn to engage it, trust it, and expand it as we grow into spiritual maturity. As we do this, we focus on this once small part of our lives until it merges into a continual expression of self. When we have grounded our truth (self expression) into our everyday reality, only then are we whole again...being who we chose to be in the first place, without distraction.
So then, it can be said that our life-purpose is in this now moment, not based in some future concept or alternate universe. It is the small things that we incorporate into our lives, the big things that we eliminate because they no longer serve us, and the courage to let go of an outworn life that no longer matches our current perceptions. This is how we make room for our passions and create the space to allow our missions of joy to unfold before us... but only as we are prepared to receive them. We must clear our canvases of mis-creation to allow our souls to paint the new and higher versions of ourselves and our lives...and this is where true joy resides, in the creation and experience of those creations.
To do this, we spend many years in preparation for the actualization of our signature essence, aka soul purpose. It is a process of clearing our emotions and detoxifying our minds and bodies for purification to allow the light of our souls to enter. We must heal ourselves of chronic dis-ease through releasing past memories of betrayal, heartbreak and abuse; we must let go of our codependent behaviors and addictions; heal our relationships and find forgiveness in ourselves and in our perpetrators.
We must open our awareness and hearts to those with differences, and join in partnership with ideas and concepts we never thought possible. Mostly,we must grow to respect the path of each individual and honor the mirrors in all to continually lift ourselves out of the forceful momentum of a life based in misaligned thoughts and creation.
As each of us engage in our personal metamorphosis, however it unfolds,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots, we often find ourselves alone, rejected by and isolated from our peers, families and even our own mates. But ultimately in all of this, we learn to stand in our power and take responsibility for our lives and happiness by exploring the whole gamut of human suffering...that is, until the polarity of extremes is no longer necessary.
And this by far,married and had three children. Yet nothing, has global ramifications. When we engage in this self exploration we heal ourselves and provide the example for others so that one by one, gender by gender, race by race, culture by culture, community by community, and nation by nation, we can eventually heal the world..or at the very least, set it in motion. Our gifts are in these challenges and years of stretching and growing into our new skins. Our opportunities then, reside in this suffering and often our "life purpose" is hidden behind our challenges and reveals itself in sharing our path and what we learned upon it with others in a way that will encourage each of them to take the required steps to total freedom.
Ultimately then, we all have the same heal ourselves by finding our joy and then sharing that joy to inspire others. Such is the process of evolution, onward and upward we go....
Saturday, November 3, 2012
their people
The Recipe For Curing Eye Trouble
Long before I became a Christian life and leadership coach, there was a popular phrase which has been used for many years - "You can't see the forest for the tree." For several people in management or a supervisory capacity, they have difficulty seeing anything but the tree. And that tree is them self. The point of this article is to stress that no one will willingly follow or be lead by a selfish, prideful and arrogant person.
These so called leaders can rarely see past themselves. These leaders refer to many things in terms of "I" "I" is a personal pronoun that deals with self. It is important to know that whether we are talking about the single tree or the pronoun "I", we are talking about things that revolve around self. You know, there is another phrase that says that "pride comes before the fall." Well I disagree with that old saying to a point. Allow me to explain, there is an acronym that I like to use called "SPA". The "S" stands for selfishness (or what I call "I" trouble). I firmly believe that self, "I" trouble, comes first. Next follows "P" for pride, which is followed closely by "A" for arrogance,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Arrogance makes matters worse. Arrogance produces a very nasty fall compared to pride alone. This is because arrogance elevates the height of the cliff that one could fall from.
Self can be defined as dealing from the vantage point of one's own interest or welfare,I encourage you to reconsider but this time based on information. When you are dealing in terms of self, it is hard to tend to the concerns of the forest. The forest is the team members for whom the leader is responsible for. A leader should be leading, training and motivating their team, the forest. However, the SPA leader focuses on what is important to them and drags the forest along for the ride. After all, it is themselves which they consider important and nothing is as important as how the outcome of tasks or projects affect their personal welfare and interest.
When you mix together the ingredients of self and pride, you will produce a wretched dish called arrogance. Arrogance is being full of one's self due to dealing primarily from the viewpoint of one's own welfare. An arrogant leader does not define their self this way. Remember, there is the ingredient of "self" mixed in their makeup which produces "I' trouble. An arrogant leader will try to convince others that what he or she is doing is for the benefit of the team. No matter what anyone tells them,make them feel special, especially the "little people" on "their" team, it will fall on deaf ears, because they can not be wrong.
I remember a certain lieutenant in the Navy. He was very arrogant, so much so that it came out of his very pores. A seaman, a bright enlisted man -who had been in the navy only a couple of years, saw that this officer was about to go jogging,mood and confidence levels. You'll be on your way to achieving anything in life that you want. The officer had on his t-shirt, running shorts and shoes. The seaman noticed that the officer had his "NIKE" shorts on backwards. This officer was his department head and he did not want him to look bad, so he respectfully let this officer know that his "NIKE" shorts were on backwards. Like I said, the seaman did this respectfully and away from the eyes and ears of others. The officer not only verbally jumped on the semen in public (which a good leader never does), but he also publicly defended the way the shorts where being worn on him.
Now we all know the label of most shorts goes towards the back and the "NIKE" logo on the front, but the "I" trouble factor had kicked in. The officer, having suitably put the seaman in his proper place, went on his run with his shorts on backwards and created a sense of amusement for everyone that saw him run that day. This officer had fallen, as a leader that day, because of I trouble. He could not see the forest that day because, he was too full of pride to see any errors with him self. The fall of arrogance was one of leader to glorified supervisor. No one in his department respected him as a leader. After all, the leader refused to accept advice on how to his pants on correctly. The men in his department only followed him because they had to.
When a manager or supervisor is only willing to see the tree, they fail to notice the forest, their people, around them. Here's the key point - you will never get the best from those forced to follow you. You get the best of those who desire to follow you. So take the time to notice and appreciate the forest.
Copyright 2006 Stan Lewis
Long before I became a Christian life and leadership coach, there was a popular phrase which has been used for many years - "You can't see the forest for the tree." For several people in management or a supervisory capacity, they have difficulty seeing anything but the tree. And that tree is them self. The point of this article is to stress that no one will willingly follow or be lead by a selfish, prideful and arrogant person.
These so called leaders can rarely see past themselves. These leaders refer to many things in terms of "I" "I" is a personal pronoun that deals with self. It is important to know that whether we are talking about the single tree or the pronoun "I", we are talking about things that revolve around self. You know, there is another phrase that says that "pride comes before the fall." Well I disagree with that old saying to a point. Allow me to explain, there is an acronym that I like to use called "SPA". The "S" stands for selfishness (or what I call "I" trouble). I firmly believe that self, "I" trouble, comes first. Next follows "P" for pride, which is followed closely by "A" for arrogance,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. Arrogance makes matters worse. Arrogance produces a very nasty fall compared to pride alone. This is because arrogance elevates the height of the cliff that one could fall from.
Self can be defined as dealing from the vantage point of one's own interest or welfare,I encourage you to reconsider but this time based on information. When you are dealing in terms of self, it is hard to tend to the concerns of the forest. The forest is the team members for whom the leader is responsible for. A leader should be leading, training and motivating their team, the forest. However, the SPA leader focuses on what is important to them and drags the forest along for the ride. After all, it is themselves which they consider important and nothing is as important as how the outcome of tasks or projects affect their personal welfare and interest.
When you mix together the ingredients of self and pride, you will produce a wretched dish called arrogance. Arrogance is being full of one's self due to dealing primarily from the viewpoint of one's own welfare. An arrogant leader does not define their self this way. Remember, there is the ingredient of "self" mixed in their makeup which produces "I' trouble. An arrogant leader will try to convince others that what he or she is doing is for the benefit of the team. No matter what anyone tells them,make them feel special, especially the "little people" on "their" team, it will fall on deaf ears, because they can not be wrong.
I remember a certain lieutenant in the Navy. He was very arrogant, so much so that it came out of his very pores. A seaman, a bright enlisted man -who had been in the navy only a couple of years, saw that this officer was about to go jogging,mood and confidence levels. You'll be on your way to achieving anything in life that you want. The officer had on his t-shirt, running shorts and shoes. The seaman noticed that the officer had his "NIKE" shorts on backwards. This officer was his department head and he did not want him to look bad, so he respectfully let this officer know that his "NIKE" shorts were on backwards. Like I said, the seaman did this respectfully and away from the eyes and ears of others. The officer not only verbally jumped on the semen in public (which a good leader never does), but he also publicly defended the way the shorts where being worn on him.
Now we all know the label of most shorts goes towards the back and the "NIKE" logo on the front, but the "I" trouble factor had kicked in. The officer, having suitably put the seaman in his proper place, went on his run with his shorts on backwards and created a sense of amusement for everyone that saw him run that day. This officer had fallen, as a leader that day, because of I trouble. He could not see the forest that day because, he was too full of pride to see any errors with him self. The fall of arrogance was one of leader to glorified supervisor. No one in his department respected him as a leader. After all, the leader refused to accept advice on how to his pants on correctly. The men in his department only followed him because they had to.
When a manager or supervisor is only willing to see the tree, they fail to notice the forest, their people, around them. Here's the key point - you will never get the best from those forced to follow you. You get the best of those who desire to follow you. So take the time to notice and appreciate the forest.
Copyright 2006 Stan Lewis
Friday, November 2, 2012
or he could plunge into the dark unknown to meet death on his own terms. He had one ice screw left
What To Do After You've Been Betrayed
It might have been your best friend, your partner, your boss, your brother or even your lover. It burns deep inside. You can't sleep for the anger, the shock and dismay. You may find yourself still not believing it's happened to you. But it has!
When those we have entrusted with our money, our plans, our strategies, our loyalty or even our love betray us, we feel violated deep inside. We feel crushed. We wonder if we can ever recover from this.
It is at this moment of realization that you will make some of the most important decisions of your entire life. The three most critical choices you will make whether you realize it or not are: (1) what to focus on; (2) what to believe; and (3) what to expect from this point forward,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. These three choices will determine the final impact this betrayal has on your life.
Most people don't know that Walt Disney suffered a great business defeat early in his career. While living and working out of his uncle's garage, Walt Disney had created a cartoon character called "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit" and signed a contract with Universal Studios to create animated short films about the little fury critter that would be shown before the main feature film at theaters. The short films enjoyed great success, but in his youth and naivete, Walt did not realize that he had signed away the rights to the character. When his contract came up for renewal, Universal Studios refused to renew the contract and announced that it owned the exclusive rights to produce films using "Oswald The Lucky Rabbit." Walt was devastated.
Starting over from scratch, Walt desperately needed to come up with a new character. The garage he was living in was infested with rats and mice,when in reality the reason for not doing it is because they don't "feel" like it.. Instead of sulking in his misery, instead of turning bitter, instead of filing a lawsuit, Walt focused on what he had left - his gifts, talents and abilities - and his incredible imagination. Walt actually made a pet out of one of the mice and kept it in a cage on his desk. Drawing inspiration from his miserable surroundings, Walt created a cute little mouse character that he named "Mickey Mouse." And the rest, as they say, is history!
What made the difference? Walt Disney made the same three critical choices that heroes have made for thousands of years in order to turn tragedy into triumph.
First, Walt chose his focus. Instead of focusing on his bitterness and anger, instead of focusing on his miserable rat and mouse infested environment, he focused on the next most immediate steps he needed to take in order to survive. He chose to move forward. He chose to focus on what was in front of him, not what was behind him. He focused on the few resources he had left. He poured himself into his work and he started over.
Second, Walt chose to believe. He could have decided his career as a cartoonist was over, and that he could never make it in Hollywood. He could have chosen to believe he could not compete against the "big boys" and disappeared into oblivion. After all, at that time, the only movies being made in Hollywood had real live actors, not cartoon characters. There was no full-length cartoon movie industry at that time, and no one knew whether there was even a viable market for full-length cartoon movies. Despite all this, Walt chose to believe, and he chose to keep believing every new day that the sun came up. Through this tenacious belief, and hard work, he single handedly created a whole new industry.
Third, Walt chose his expectations. He knew he could create cartoon characters that audiences would love because he had done it before. Failure was not an option. He expected to succeed, and this gave him the motivation to keep moving forward.
Remember, "they" may take away your office, your status, and your income. But they can't take away your determination to succeed, your inherent abilities, your intelligence or your creativity. These are the very things that have brought you all of your past successes. These gifts, talents and abilities haven't gone anywhere. Wherever you go, they are still with you!
In 1985, Joe Simpson broke his leg on his descent of a 20,000 foot mountain in the Peruvian Andes. Then after a second fall left him dangling in mid-air off a cliff, his partner, Simon Yates, cut the rope that tied them together. This rope was Simpson's last and only hope for survival. Simpson dropped into a long, narrow ice tube that went straight down. His body came to rest precariously on a narrow ice bridge between two much deeper vertical drops. He had two choices. He could either sit there until death slowly overtook his freezing body, or he could plunge into the dark unknown to meet death on his own terms. He had one ice screw left, which he banged into the wall of ice. Then he threaded his rope through it and somehow managed to tie a crude knot in the end of it. This became his anchor as he lowered his body into the deep, dark, icy unknown.
To his surprise, his body eventually came to rest on a flat surface of snow. Then he saw a thin ray of light shining from the opposite side of the cavern. There was a forty-five degree slope of ice leading up to where he could just barely see a pinpoint of daylight. This was the way out if only he could reach it,Famous Inspirational Quote # 3.
He bent over and dug a small foothold for each of his boots, which were equipped with crampons (metal claws) for climbing. Then he pounded his ice axe into the wall of ice above him and slowly lifted his bad leg, then his good leg into the footholds, while pulling his body up with the ice axe. Each time he put weight on his bad leg, searing pain exploded up and down his leg. He would scream and curse out loud. Then he would repeat the process.
It was at this moment that he made a critical decision. He chose to focus on the pattern rather than the pain. Simpson says, "The flares of pain became merged into the routine and I paid less attention to them, concentrating solely on the patterns." He was so intent on focusing on the pattern that he refused to even look up to the object of his climb for fear that it would remind him of the little progress he had made and how far he still had to go. He knew where he was going, but it was more important to focus on the pattern. The pattern was working one inch at a time but it was working. After what seemed like an eternity, he popped his head up through the snow to see a ring of spectacularly beautiful mountains and blue sky. He had made it. But now he had to figure out a way to get down the rest of the mountain with a broken leg.
Simpson was forced to experiment and find different patterns of behavior to determine the most efficient and least painful way to get down the 20,000 foot mountain. He tried walking, but fell repeatedly. Nevertheless,. There is little a diesel-fuelled submarine will be defend against known terrorist capabilities, he tried to fall forward in the direction he knew he needed to go. When he could not stand, he crawled, then tried to stand and walk again. He walked, fell and crawled over and over again for several days and nights without food or water.
His focus made the difference between death and survival. He would pick a spot in the distance and focus on it. Then he would give himself a deadline by which he had to get to it. When he finally got there, he would pick out another spot in the distance and repeat the pattern. It was a slow, agonizing process and his body got weaker and weaker as he went. But, through the sheer force of his will and the voice inside his head that kept commanding his mangled body forward like a cruel drill sergeant, after several days, he finally got close enough to his campsite where his shouts could be heard.
What can we learn from Joe Simpson's epic tale of survival and Walt Disney's incredible comeback?
First, when you find yourself reeling from a shocking act of betrayal, make a conscious choice to focus on the immediate next steps needed for survival rather than on your bitterness and anger. If you dwell on your anger it will consume all of your creative energy and brain cells the same brain cells that you will need to come up with your next move.
Second, focus on the resources, skills, gifts, talents and friends you have left even though they may be few.
Third, don't throw good money after bad. Don't pursue litigation unless you absolutely are being forced to do so. When you choose to litigate rather than recuperate, the only ones who get rich are the lawyers. Most lawyers joke that the winner in any lawsuit is the one who has lost the least amount of blood in the fight. History shows there are no real winners except the lawyers. Turn the energy generated by your anger into a new resolve to succeed against all odds. That's the best way to get even.
Make a conscious choice to believe there is a way out. There is always a way out. You can survive this and even prosper on the other side of this tragedy. But first you have to make a very deliberate and conscious choice to believe it. Then you have to pursue it.
Joe Simpson and Walt Disney both survived severe acts of betrayal because they expected to survive. They had their doubts at first, but with each slow and deliberate step forward came another glimmer of hope. They gave themselves hope by getting up and moving forward after each temporary setback. If you just sit there and wallow in your misery, history will record that this setback was your final resting place. If you get up and keep moving forward, history will record that it was only a temporary setback.
If you expect to survive, your brain cells will suddenly awaken with excitement. They will stand at attention and await your orders. They will find a way because they have been ordered to find a way. Expect to prosper again one day. Expect to rise from the ashes of this tragedy. Create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and then bring it to pass. You can choose to write the final chapter if you want to, but you have to choose to want to.
Heroes throughout history, like Walt Disney and Joe Simpson, have created a well-worn path for us to follow by their examples. It is up to us to choose to follow their footsteps. This is the first and most important choice you can make. Will you wander blindly in your bitterness, depression and anger, or will you choose to follow the heroes' path?
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Confucius
If you choose to follow the hero's path, remember, the three most critical choices you can make today - right now - this very moment are: (1) what to focus on; (2) what to believe; and (3) what to expect - from this point forward. Take conscious control of your focus, your beliefs and your expectations and you can determine the final impact of this tragedy on the rest of your life. Get on the hero's path and eventually you will go places where only heroes have trod.
It might have been your best friend, your partner, your boss, your brother or even your lover. It burns deep inside. You can't sleep for the anger, the shock and dismay. You may find yourself still not believing it's happened to you. But it has!
When those we have entrusted with our money, our plans, our strategies, our loyalty or even our love betray us, we feel violated deep inside. We feel crushed. We wonder if we can ever recover from this.
It is at this moment of realization that you will make some of the most important decisions of your entire life. The three most critical choices you will make whether you realize it or not are: (1) what to focus on; (2) what to believe; and (3) what to expect from this point forward,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots. These three choices will determine the final impact this betrayal has on your life.
Most people don't know that Walt Disney suffered a great business defeat early in his career. While living and working out of his uncle's garage, Walt Disney had created a cartoon character called "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit" and signed a contract with Universal Studios to create animated short films about the little fury critter that would be shown before the main feature film at theaters. The short films enjoyed great success, but in his youth and naivete, Walt did not realize that he had signed away the rights to the character. When his contract came up for renewal, Universal Studios refused to renew the contract and announced that it owned the exclusive rights to produce films using "Oswald The Lucky Rabbit." Walt was devastated.
Starting over from scratch, Walt desperately needed to come up with a new character. The garage he was living in was infested with rats and mice,when in reality the reason for not doing it is because they don't "feel" like it.. Instead of sulking in his misery, instead of turning bitter, instead of filing a lawsuit, Walt focused on what he had left - his gifts, talents and abilities - and his incredible imagination. Walt actually made a pet out of one of the mice and kept it in a cage on his desk. Drawing inspiration from his miserable surroundings, Walt created a cute little mouse character that he named "Mickey Mouse." And the rest, as they say, is history!
What made the difference? Walt Disney made the same three critical choices that heroes have made for thousands of years in order to turn tragedy into triumph.
First, Walt chose his focus. Instead of focusing on his bitterness and anger, instead of focusing on his miserable rat and mouse infested environment, he focused on the next most immediate steps he needed to take in order to survive. He chose to move forward. He chose to focus on what was in front of him, not what was behind him. He focused on the few resources he had left. He poured himself into his work and he started over.
Second, Walt chose to believe. He could have decided his career as a cartoonist was over, and that he could never make it in Hollywood. He could have chosen to believe he could not compete against the "big boys" and disappeared into oblivion. After all, at that time, the only movies being made in Hollywood had real live actors, not cartoon characters. There was no full-length cartoon movie industry at that time, and no one knew whether there was even a viable market for full-length cartoon movies. Despite all this, Walt chose to believe, and he chose to keep believing every new day that the sun came up. Through this tenacious belief, and hard work, he single handedly created a whole new industry.
Third, Walt chose his expectations. He knew he could create cartoon characters that audiences would love because he had done it before. Failure was not an option. He expected to succeed, and this gave him the motivation to keep moving forward.
Remember, "they" may take away your office, your status, and your income. But they can't take away your determination to succeed, your inherent abilities, your intelligence or your creativity. These are the very things that have brought you all of your past successes. These gifts, talents and abilities haven't gone anywhere. Wherever you go, they are still with you!
In 1985, Joe Simpson broke his leg on his descent of a 20,000 foot mountain in the Peruvian Andes. Then after a second fall left him dangling in mid-air off a cliff, his partner, Simon Yates, cut the rope that tied them together. This rope was Simpson's last and only hope for survival. Simpson dropped into a long, narrow ice tube that went straight down. His body came to rest precariously on a narrow ice bridge between two much deeper vertical drops. He had two choices. He could either sit there until death slowly overtook his freezing body, or he could plunge into the dark unknown to meet death on his own terms. He had one ice screw left, which he banged into the wall of ice. Then he threaded his rope through it and somehow managed to tie a crude knot in the end of it. This became his anchor as he lowered his body into the deep, dark, icy unknown.
To his surprise, his body eventually came to rest on a flat surface of snow. Then he saw a thin ray of light shining from the opposite side of the cavern. There was a forty-five degree slope of ice leading up to where he could just barely see a pinpoint of daylight. This was the way out if only he could reach it,Famous Inspirational Quote # 3.
He bent over and dug a small foothold for each of his boots, which were equipped with crampons (metal claws) for climbing. Then he pounded his ice axe into the wall of ice above him and slowly lifted his bad leg, then his good leg into the footholds, while pulling his body up with the ice axe. Each time he put weight on his bad leg, searing pain exploded up and down his leg. He would scream and curse out loud. Then he would repeat the process.
It was at this moment that he made a critical decision. He chose to focus on the pattern rather than the pain. Simpson says, "The flares of pain became merged into the routine and I paid less attention to them, concentrating solely on the patterns." He was so intent on focusing on the pattern that he refused to even look up to the object of his climb for fear that it would remind him of the little progress he had made and how far he still had to go. He knew where he was going, but it was more important to focus on the pattern. The pattern was working one inch at a time but it was working. After what seemed like an eternity, he popped his head up through the snow to see a ring of spectacularly beautiful mountains and blue sky. He had made it. But now he had to figure out a way to get down the rest of the mountain with a broken leg.
Simpson was forced to experiment and find different patterns of behavior to determine the most efficient and least painful way to get down the 20,000 foot mountain. He tried walking, but fell repeatedly. Nevertheless,. There is little a diesel-fuelled submarine will be defend against known terrorist capabilities, he tried to fall forward in the direction he knew he needed to go. When he could not stand, he crawled, then tried to stand and walk again. He walked, fell and crawled over and over again for several days and nights without food or water.
His focus made the difference between death and survival. He would pick a spot in the distance and focus on it. Then he would give himself a deadline by which he had to get to it. When he finally got there, he would pick out another spot in the distance and repeat the pattern. It was a slow, agonizing process and his body got weaker and weaker as he went. But, through the sheer force of his will and the voice inside his head that kept commanding his mangled body forward like a cruel drill sergeant, after several days, he finally got close enough to his campsite where his shouts could be heard.
What can we learn from Joe Simpson's epic tale of survival and Walt Disney's incredible comeback?
First, when you find yourself reeling from a shocking act of betrayal, make a conscious choice to focus on the immediate next steps needed for survival rather than on your bitterness and anger. If you dwell on your anger it will consume all of your creative energy and brain cells the same brain cells that you will need to come up with your next move.
Second, focus on the resources, skills, gifts, talents and friends you have left even though they may be few.
Third, don't throw good money after bad. Don't pursue litigation unless you absolutely are being forced to do so. When you choose to litigate rather than recuperate, the only ones who get rich are the lawyers. Most lawyers joke that the winner in any lawsuit is the one who has lost the least amount of blood in the fight. History shows there are no real winners except the lawyers. Turn the energy generated by your anger into a new resolve to succeed against all odds. That's the best way to get even.
Make a conscious choice to believe there is a way out. There is always a way out. You can survive this and even prosper on the other side of this tragedy. But first you have to make a very deliberate and conscious choice to believe it. Then you have to pursue it.
Joe Simpson and Walt Disney both survived severe acts of betrayal because they expected to survive. They had their doubts at first, but with each slow and deliberate step forward came another glimmer of hope. They gave themselves hope by getting up and moving forward after each temporary setback. If you just sit there and wallow in your misery, history will record that this setback was your final resting place. If you get up and keep moving forward, history will record that it was only a temporary setback.
If you expect to survive, your brain cells will suddenly awaken with excitement. They will stand at attention and await your orders. They will find a way because they have been ordered to find a way. Expect to prosper again one day. Expect to rise from the ashes of this tragedy. Create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and then bring it to pass. You can choose to write the final chapter if you want to, but you have to choose to want to.
Heroes throughout history, like Walt Disney and Joe Simpson, have created a well-worn path for us to follow by their examples. It is up to us to choose to follow their footsteps. This is the first and most important choice you can make. Will you wander blindly in your bitterness, depression and anger, or will you choose to follow the heroes' path?
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Confucius
If you choose to follow the hero's path, remember, the three most critical choices you can make today - right now - this very moment are: (1) what to focus on; (2) what to believe; and (3) what to expect - from this point forward. Take conscious control of your focus, your beliefs and your expectations and you can determine the final impact of this tragedy on the rest of your life. Get on the hero's path and eventually you will go places where only heroes have trod.
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