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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Time To Be Inspired by Willie Horton

Time To Be Inspired by Willie Horton
It could well be myth - but, then again,If you work to improve yourself, many myths are simply facts lost in the mists of time - that, having struggled for many years to find the meaning of life, the Buddha became enlightened when he was simply sitting under a tree. Again, it may well be legend,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Black Boots, but legend has it that Sir Isaac Newton made is most important scientific discovery, once again, whilst sitting under a tree. And although it was an apple that reputedly dropped for Newton, you've got to find your own tree to allow your very own pennies to drop for you.
What you have to understand is that inspiration only comes to the clear uncluttered mind - and the normal mind is anything but clear and uncluttered. Decades of research across various fields of psychology tell us that the normal mind is overwhelmed by random thought - some fifty thousand random thoughts whizz through our minds every single day. Many of those thoughts are harmless but, on the basis of the research, some of those thoughts are self-destructive - I was going to say positively self-destructive but that would be a contradiction - these negative thoughts are toxic. These are the thoughts that create the illusions of low self-esteem, lack of self confidence, worry,"If you lose your friend, stress, anxiety, panic and depression. Left in its normal latent state, the normal adult mind is simply incapable of being inspired.
And is life worth living without the spark of inspiration? Is life nothing more than going through the motions if you're not excited and delighted by the cut and thrust of the out-of-the-ordinary? Unfortunately, the out-of-the-ordinary is far too rare an occurrence for the normal mind that survives on the comfort of the mundane. But, if you don't jog yourself out of the slumber of the mundane you will simply not have lived life to the full - you're missing out on a whole world of excitement, success and happiness that is right in front of you - all you have to do is unclutter your mind. But if you choose to stay muddled, cluttered and, essentially, dead to the world, not only are you making some bizarre choice that you deliberately want to miss out on all life's excitement, in taking this option you'll also be a drain on the energy of those around you - particularly those who you claim to love - you'll end up destroying their lives too.
The point is that everyone is capable of being both inspired and inspiring - an inspiration to others. Everyone is capable of leaping out of the normal mundane and living their very best life. But that is never going to happen until you make space for inspiration,rather than giving yourself up and going along with something you don't want to do. You've got to give yourself the clear, uncluttered time to let the inner you out. My next-door neighbour, here in the small village that I live in in the French Alps, has often asked me what I do for a living. And, although I have explained it to him many times, he came up to me at a barbeque recently and asked me the same question. I asked him what was it that he didn't understand about what I do. His answer: "No, it's just that it seems to myself and my wife that you waste a lot of time doing nothing!"
Doing nothing is not a waste of time. Doing nothing can often be the time most fruitfully spent. The peace and clarity of mind that comes with spending time doing nothing is the fertile ground in which inspirational ideas simply spring to life. Thomas Edison found that he only became inspired in his mind's quiet moments and, rather than wait for that to happen to him on a random basis, or last thing at night, he deliberately set about regularly creating quiet moments for his mind during the course of his working day. With over four hundred inventions patented in his name, I think he might have been onto something! Pablo Picasso said that he wasn't sure when inspiration would strike so he made sure that he cultivated a prepared mind.
How prepared are you to be inspired? How often do you simply let your mind go off on flights of fancy? I'm not talking about entertaining negative thought - I'm talking about simply letting your mind wander onto what normal people would find undoable or unachievable. Such things are only undoable to a normal mind constrained by pre-programmed thought. De-program yourself - let yourself go, let yourself off the hook of normal 'living inside the box'. Find your tree, sit under it and spend some quality time doing nothing.
Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

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